Thursday, September 29, 2016

We Are Beings Of High Vibrational Energy

we are beings of high vibrational energy who are powerful beyond measure and by embracing this truth ours becomes a tremendous journey of mystical experiences and sacred purpose.

the flow of the universe washes over you with waves of meaning and purpose which if followed will make yours a life guided by love where you achieve spiritual freedom.

your inner essence is a treasure chest of spirit where the greatest gifts await opening .

open the gateway to growth and you will discover a world of manifestation and transformation that will bring joy into your life.

follow your intuitive guidance to a place of soul nourishing behavior and yours will be a joyous and vibrant journey of profound daily experiences.

healing and wholeness are blessings which encompass our existence when we live our truth fully from a place of passion as this is an act of love that creates spiritual harmony.

with warmth and nourishment embrace the best of who you are as this is an act of positive intention that speaks to the heart by igniting something special inside.

you are wiser and more compassionate than you realize and by opening yourself to the sacred beauty of your indomitable spirit you embrace eternal consciousness as you make peace with yourself and the universe.

open yourself to your true human spirit and let it lead you to other realms of discovery and awakening where you may immerse yourself in nurturing environments of love most sacred.

love of life, love of others and love of self are truly gratifying expressions of spirit that invoke the powers of the divine in ways sensuous and surreal.

t he sharing of spiritual wisdom is a compassionate and nurturing act of love that has a profound impact that elevates and empowers.

by showing generosity toward others we operate from the heart thereby making deep soul connections that cleanse our spirit.

devote yourself to embracing change and yours will be a poetic journey of extraordinary loving where you transform and flourish as you acknowledge the sacred and live a life divine.

transformative practices create divine and diverse spiritual experiences of inspired insights that heal and enlighten by lighting a fire in your heart.

energetically align with your metaphysical gifts and you venture down a road of playful exploration where your uniquely divine essence beautifully creates miraculous moments of self love and sacred empathy.

life is more positive and affirming when we use our evolutionary assets and sacred gifts to inspire others and illuminate a path to the sacred truth that we are love.

you are a sacred celestial soul touched by light whose heart is filled with higher aspirations which embrace your eternal spiritual nature and by sharing your loving essence you make the world a greater and more beautiful place.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Walking a Path of Purposeful Actions and Positive Intent

make your life an extraordinary transformative journey of impactful experiences by walking a path of purposeful actions and positive intent.

a fully realized life is one of kindness and compassion where we love ourselves and others for the more aware we are to how beautiful and miraculous every soul on earth is the more magnificent each and every moment will be.

explore with compassion the beauty of your heart and soul as this will make your path one of insight and discovery that leads to the divine life force.

thoughtful choices and compassionate actions engage the sacred by opening us to our innate intuitive powers that their energy may connect us with our divine purpose and guide us to a place of greater positivity.

we create more joy and deep inner peace when we believe in who we are as positive self worth is a blessing of heartfelt inspiration that manifests a life overflowing with love.

present moment awareness makes you feel more fully alive by revealing your higher nature and leading you to the divine source of your ethereal existence.

devote more energy to living with grace and having a love centered approach to life as this will connect you with spirit in ways that are transformational.

when you enrich your understanding of your sacred self you create a more positive portrait of love and life becomes the miraculous work of art is is meant to be.

stand in your truth and open yourself to the guidance of spirits as this is a blessing of loving nurturance you bestow upon yourself that will change your life in remarkable ways.

listen to the voice within for it speaks an angelic language which can open doorways into heavens and lead you to the mastery and majesty of your true spiritual self.

within each and every soul is a reservoir of cosmic energy which when truly believed in reveals the infinite self and immerses our being in life changing insights which inspire us to create a sacred nurturing environment for the benefit of all.

live in the light of deep inner knowing as you create your own destiny for it is by embracing the knowledge within that we discover our greatness.

to be a better you simply focus on your blessings as this will illuminate the beauty within clarifying your purpose and making yours a more inspired life.

you are a pure being of divine essence whose unique sacred heart is overflowing with a love so beautiful that when shared changes lives in miraculous ways.

embrace your powers and celebrate your good fortune as by acknowledging and believing in these gifts you open yourself to ethereal influences that inspire you to engage in healthy relationships with positive people who help make your path a passionate one of enlightenment and transformation.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 15, 2016

An Extraordinary World Of Soul Enriching Experiences

change your current reality by changing the way you think. if we replace negative thoughts with positive ones we relieve stress as we create a more joyful atmosphere. the more focused and devoted we are to transforming our thoughts the more likely it is that ours will be an extraordinary world of soul enriching experiences.

we influence and inspire healing transformation when we embrace the empowering realization that we can climb sacred mountains and sail seas of divinity when we share our most loving self.

powerful beyond belief are they who beautifully and sensitively create an atmosphere of sacred light that is loving and harmonious for not only themselves but for every soul they touch.

we challenge and inspire when we seek to make ours an alchemical journey that creates positive change and profound transformation.

when we truly connect with ourselves we connect with higher beings for we are celestial souls born of light and destined to be the inspiration for this world.

be a creator of inner peace and joy by by making authentic connections that are spiritually compelling for it is by sharing the stunning beauty of our sacred love that we discover the heaven in our heart.

every day is an opportunity for awakening. let this be the day we embark on a journey of sacred ways where we liberate our purpose and focus our energies on greater well being.

we are empowered by the universe to be catalysts for change and by living our spiritual destiny we ignite the flame within which creates a positive environment in which we manifest miracles as we make the world a place of divine bliss and sacred love.

sail with me through luminous seas of spiritual freedom where life is filled with beautiful relationships that empower each moment and inspire every choice we make.

let us look at life through spiritual eyes that we may see with clarity the invisible influences that are waiting to guide us to a place of joyfulness and profound love.

live honestly in a way that greatly benefits all and yours will be a spiritually inspired path of love and acceptance that enhances your journey and enlightens your existence.

we all have spiritual resources within us and by making better choices we free those gifts that they may reach out into the universe and embrace life in such a way as to move us toward our true self.

see the beauty of your uniqueness for you have been blessed and by living your truth proudly and passionately you open your heart to the miracle of your existence and the world becomes an illuminated place of light and love.

breathe fresh life into your every thought and action as this will have a transformative impact that is profoundly purifying.

never underestimate the importance of positive thought for actions that inspire begin as thoughts and by turning them into truths we allow healing to happen as we make our way toward a greater degree of happiness.

your life is filled with moments of choice and the truth of your existence is that at any time you can choose to love yourself and others.

open hearted awareness reveals the truth that life loves you which inspires transformational experiences that allow you to feel yourself growing spiritually.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 8, 2016

For It Is Through Kindness That We Expand Our Boundaries

to connect with people in compassionate ways is profound and transformative for it is through kindness that we expand our boundaries and make our journey divine.

you heal yourself and others when you express your true nature and love who you are as these are sacred acts that harness your energies by inspiring you to create a bridge to spiritual growth.

ours becomes a journey into consciousness and deep well being when we express compassion and empathy for others by guiding them lovingly through the spiritual and natural world.

embrace and honor higher beings of love and you will experience personal healing and spiritual cleansing as you align with your sacred purpose.

we strengthen the foundation of our spirit when we use the transformative gifts and magickal abilities within to inspire and uplift the heart and soul of humanity.

loving devotion to ourselves and the higher sources in the universe opens us to the ethereal and our existence becomes one guided by celestials, saints and spirits.

there is an endless supply of uplifting astral energy within your beautiful soul for you are an angelic celestial being of light and by showering the world with that energy you create a path of great joy and satisfaction.

sharing the love within awakens us spiritually to our unique sacred gifts and inspires us to embrace the planetary energies around each other as we heal and transform our lives and the world.

mystical and metaphysical are we who connect to our spirit guides by listening to their meaningful messages and acting upon them in a way that enables us to make a real difference in our own life and the lives of every soul we encounter.

a higher sense of self gives us clarity of intention and leads us to profoundly deeper levels of light and love where we may bathe in the waters of ethereal transformation.

may this be the moment in time where you use your amazing healing abilities and innate intuitive gifts to transform your life and reach higher levels of spirit.

we are continually evolving and by nurturing growth we inspire self love which in turn guides us beyond our expectations to places of power and beauty where we may live a better life.

weave joy into the fabric of your life by touching the soul of others with your unique personal frequency for when we uplift and inspire our fellow travelers we make our life one of spiritual adventures and immersive experiences.

the more spiritually centered we are the more light we bring into our lives and the more likely it is that we will awaken to our higher self and live our sacred purpose.

unfold, develop and expand your awareness for when awareness becomes a natural part of your life a miraculous healing takes place which opens the heart and soul to divine love and light.

let love be a natural part of your life and the divine forces of the universe will make yours a spiritually resplendent life of beautiful brilliant bliss.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Story Of Greater Experiences And Absolute Joy

a heart opened and explored is a blessing that instills within us self love and respect making ours an extraordinary story of greater experiences and absolute joy.

make all activities sacred by embracing your unique divinity as this will awaken who you really are and guide you toward healing spiritual connections and a life of greater happiness.

when we are wholeheartedly engaged in life we radiate generosity of spirit which inspires us to live our highest calling.

you are a magnificent work of art whose heart and soul are filled with boundless energy and by sharing the beauty of who you are life becomes a masterpiece of light and love.

may the divine energy of spirit light your soul and ignite the transformational fire within that you may live your life in deep holistic ways that stimulate well being and inspire positive action.

create your own heaven by using the sacred energy within to open the heart to inspiration and yours will be a remarkable journey where you encounter angelic beings who bring you home to bliss.

in the nature of my existence a tree grows which when nourished becomes a gateway to the divine.

our immortal spirit evolves and grows when we embrace the aliveness within as this generates happiness by makings ours a life of sacred truth and beauty.

we help heal the earth when we see our world as one of wonder and joy where love is our sacred truth.

within you are powerful messages which if listened to will expand your state of being and inspire you to making cleansing, purifying and beneficial changes.

be a force for good in the universe by making yours a deeply devotional path of spiritual wonders in which every destination you reach becomes a sacred space of peace, power and purification.

a glimpse into the heart will open your eyes to the true beauty of who you are and inspire you to shape yours into a world of personal growth and transformation where love is your sacred passion and divine purpose.

when you appreciate who you are and have compassion for yourself you awaken to life in brilliant and powerful ways which create a nurturing environment of enlightened relationships.

our capacity for kindness is a profoundly transformative gift that when used invites the sacred into our lives by increasing joy and manifesting happiness.

life is alive with miracles for those who feel love for themselves as this is an act in harmony with the heart that creates emotions and experiences which inspire the heaven within to shine its light on our true divine beauty.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One