Friday, December 28, 2012

Laugh, Smile And Love

To Free the Spirit one need only Laugh. To Free the Soul one need only Smile.To Free the Self one need only Love. What is Life if one is not Free. Laugh, Smile and Love.

Bring yourself into Balance and yours will be a Better Life. Peace and Happiness come to those who Walk through the Darkness into the Light for they have a Better Appreciation for how Truly Blessed Life is.

Give Thanks to Everyone and We All Benefit. Be Grateful to be Alive and you Enrich your Life and the Lives of the many. Make yours a Life of Empathy and Altruism and you Create a Paradise on Earth. Give Thanks to Yourself for being such a Rare and Precious Jewel of Loving Kindness. You are Beautiful.

We who Dare to Dream and then Seek to Live our Dreams are Prophets and Mystics. We are an Enchanted Treasure of Great Social Significance seeking to become Better People and thereby make the World a Better Place.

Life is a Dance of Profound Beauty which gives birth to a Love most Sacred.

A Humanitarian Perspective will Guide you along a most Promising Path through other Dimensions of Existence as Love has no Boundaries for those Who are Courageous enough to Approach every Breath and every Spirit with Tenderness and Compassion.

Mine is a Sacred Journey of Shamanic Teachings where every Moment is One of Spiritual Significance.

Life is meant to be a Mystical Experience. Let us Join as One and Create a Free Spiritual Community where Love Flows like a River and Happiness reigns Supreme.

Join me in Friendship and Together we will Create Experiences which Explore the Divine and are Faithful to the Earth. We will Embrace our own Divinity and from Moment to Moment in Flashes of Bliss we will Reach into the Heavens and Touch the Face of God.

A True Spiritual Perspective will bring Joy into your Life and Purify your Soul. The Path of the Inspired is one of Clarity. To be a Visionary we must be willing to see the Truth and Embrace it Openly.

Serve where and when you can as it Enhances Life and Creates Spiritual Transformation. Share Love and Kindness with all Humanity and Hold on to the Joy it brings You.

Express yourself in ways Heart Centered and you will enter a Visionary State where You not only see the Beauty that surrounds you but also the Beauty within.

A Good Heart creates Moments of Epiphany where one Realizes that Kindness and Joy are the Gifts we receive when we Walk a Path of Love and Light.

I find Great Inspiration in the Heart and Soul of those I meet. Every person has a Story to tell. Every person is Special and Worthy of Love. Know that I have looked in your Eyes and seen Beauty so Profound as to Guide me to a Happy and Fulfilling Life.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, December 21, 2012

Blessed Are The Children

Every time we Smile we are Blessing the day. Every time we share an Inspiring word we let in Love. Every time we Gift someone with a Hug we Elevate our Existence. Be Kind and you will Find that every day is Sacred and every Moment is Beautiful.

We are in Spiritual Distress. Our Souls are Fighting to find Joy and Happiness in fear that it is becoming Extinct. Let us Pledge today to do whatever it takes to Create a Beautiful Community of Life Changing Transformation. Let us Commit to Deeper Levels of Reality where people Live their Dreams and Love their Lives. Let us Manifest an enduring State of Wellness. Let us Be the Beings of Light we were Born to Be. Let us Be...

Nurturing and Loving relationships are born of Kindness and Compassion. Know that every time you Smile you give Birth to something Beautiful.

Glowing with Light are those who Express the Divine Beauty of their Love with Praise and Gratitude.

Breathe Love and many Wonderful things happen. How we approach Life dictates the Life we will have. If you want a Great Life leave Beauty wherever you go and always Smile back.

I Dream a Truth that Sees a Future where the Fire of Inspiration leads us all along a Pathway to God and our True Spiritual Mission in Life.

We are the Rivers, We are the Mountains, We are the Trees for We are of the Earth and every Living thing is our Family. We are Nature and We are Beautiful.

I see your Anger and I sing a Song of Hope. I hear your Cruel Words and I Embrace your Higher Self. I feel the Depth of your Depression and I Dance to the Sound of your Heartbeat. I am encompassed by your Darkness and I Shine a Light of Happiness. I Rise above the Negative that You may see the Beauty of the Positive. I Love You.

Eternal are the Friendships which Embrace your Heart with Joy, Laughter, Light and Love for they are the ones Woven by Angels.

Each day Spread your Wings and Fly to the place within where Miracles happen. There is something Greater in every Living thing waiting to be set Free. It is by Loving who we are that we are given Wings and it is by Believing we are Worthy that we begin to Fly.

Bless everything with Good Thoughts and Kind Actions and do so with the Knowledge that a Beautiful Smile and an outstretched hand are the Tools for Transformation which open the Gates of Heaven.

In my Transformation I will emerge from my Cocoon an Angel and return to my Life in Heaven.

With every hardship we build a Wall. With every heartbreak we draw lines in the Sand. With every battle we burn yet another Bridge. The time has come to remove obstacles and Clear a Path to the Garden of Happiness that is our Destiny. We need to Open the Door of Gratitude and give Thanks for our Blessings. Raise your Voice to the Heavens and say I will not let my struggles Define me. Speak from the Soul and say from this point on I will use my struggles to Inspire me.

Awaken to a life Precious and Positive by Liberating your Spirit and Inspiring the Heart to Reward each day with a Love that Embraces the Highest form of Living.

There is a Temple in my Heart where you will find a Statue of Mother and Child as they are the Angels on Earth who will Guide us to Heaven.

Immortal are We who Live to Inspire for through Service to others We become Angels of Light.

Free yourself from Insecurity. Free yourself from Anger. Free yourself from Hatred. Free yourself from Stress. Free yourself from Madness and Free yourself from Yourself. Your actions have become disturbing. Your reactions have become odd. Your choices have become worrisome and Your reality has become skewed. Free yourself that You may allow those who Believe in You to Love You. Free yourself that You may no longer hurt those who Love you. Put away your Hateful Words, Pick up a Mirror and say I Love You. Free Yourself. Free Yourself. Free Yourself!

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, December 14, 2012

Winter Solstice Spirit Drum Circle Celebration

Thursday, December 20, 2012

upstairs at the Legion in Ridgeway, 228 Southmill St

Hello Everyone;

For anyone interested, we are having our Winter Solstice Spirit Drum Circle Celebration on Thursday, Dec 20th @ 7:00 pm (upstairs at the Legion in Ridgeway, 228 Southmill St) with the intention of "Awakening our Senses" and "Celebrating Winter Solstice". I believe, we are surrounded by wisdom and knowledge... That All creation speaks to us through our senses and as we "Awaken our Senses" we also welcome and discover many gifts from Spirit. What a wonderful opportunity to drum up this good and healing energy in celebration of the returning light, with all of you.

Please bring a snack to share, your drums and/or noise makers (we have extras if needed) and a $2 to $3 donation to cover the cost of the room. Also, in the spirit of Winter Solstice we will be having a giveaway ceremony, so please bring a small unwrapped gift to give to someone in the circle.. This could be something you've collected from nature and/or made such as jam, art, crafts, beads, stones, cedar, sage, crystals, feathers, etc or something you already own that you wish to pass on to someone new. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

In Sisterhood and Love,

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars." ~ Og Mandino ~

"Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom." ~ Zen Proverb ~

Greet the Day with Love and Light

Greet the Day with Love and Light and you Open your Heart to Life in ways which Contribute something Positive and Special to the World.

Cherish Others, Treasure Others and Love Others. Life is not meant to be Lived in anger, fear, hatred, prejudice and ignorance. It is meant to be Lived in Peace, Freedom, Hope, Happiness and Love. Cherish Yourself, Treasure Yourself and Love Yourself.

Breathe Beauty for You are Poetry. Your very Essence is a Poem written in the Heavens. You are a Masterpiece of Celestial Glory. Embrace your Greatness and Share your Light with the World. You are a Miracle and every Breath you take Blesses the Earth and Beyond.

Contribute Positive Energy to everything you do and You will find that each Moment is Alive with Inspiration. Blessed are we who Live with Light and Share our Love for We are the ones who make life Beautiful.

The Infinite Possibilities provided by God and Goddess are the Inspiration which moves us to Fall in Love with Life. The Belief that We can bring about Change, That We can make a Difference and that We can advance in our Spiritual Evolution is the Breath of Life which manifests the Greatest Love. I Believe in Possibilities, I Believe in Me and I Believe in You. Believe!

Life is a Feast flavored with Love and the time has come to Celebrate our Blessings and Rejoice in the coming Transformation.

Let us commit to making Love a habit. Let us start and end each day with Love. Let us Give and Receive Love with Grace and Gratitude. Let us make every Moment one of Kindness and Affection. Let us Be the Love that is at the Core of Who We Are. Live a Life you Love and Love the Life you Live. Love is habit forming and what a Beautiful habit it is.

Scry me a River that I may see the Beauty which is my Future and the Bliss which is my Destiny.

Walk with me in Dreams of Mystical Experiences and We shall Enhance the True Self in ways which Awaken our Love and Inspire our Spirit.

Live your Life as a Beautiful Poem written by God to be Shared with every Angel on Earth and yours will be a Story of Love told to future Generations.

Contribute the Love in your Heart to making the World a Better Place. Share the Whispers of the Ancients within your Soul and the Wisdom of Angels which Guide your Spirit. Anything you Share is Meaningful and Significant. To make a Positive Impact you need simply be the Bright Light you were Born to Be.

My Life is a Shamans Dance. It is a Dance on Mountaintops and among the Stars in Dreams that Shape my Reality. It is a Dance of Divine Grace and Gratitude. It is a Dance shared with Mystics, Teacher, Philosophers and Seers. It is my Dance and You are invited to take my Hand and Join me on Heavens Dance Floor.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, December 7, 2012

I Hear The Rhythm of Your Soul

I hear the Rhythm of your Soul and my Spirit ascends to a Place of Celebration where I may Dance in Freedom and Live in Harmony.

I have a Passion to Serve others. An Ethereal Desire to Contribute Positively to this World and Beyond. It is my Destiny to Touch the Heart and Soul of others in ways Transforming and Profound. I Live to Love and Love to make people Smile. I am The Ancient One.

Awaken to the Pure Essence of Who You Are and Touch the Soul of the Universe with Joy and Happiness.

Blessings of Pleasure and Joy to all those who have Chosen a Spiritual Path of Love, Kindness and Compassion. They are the Sacred Ones who understand that Life and Love begin with You.

We are all Connected by Love. We are Born of Love and when we pass from this Plane of Existence we return to Love. Blessed are We for We are Love.

Listen closely for Nature Serenades those Children of the Earth who know that Life is a Song.

There is a Magickal Doorway that when Opened releases Messengers from Heaven. It is by Immersing ones self in Mother Earths many Miracles that we gain access to the Key that will Change our World.

Navigate the Path ahead in a Way that allows your Unique Contribution to be One that is Kind, Nurturing and as Natural as Breathing.

Beyond normal Sight is an Esoteric Knowledge driven by Love. It is the Wisdom of the Ancients and it is within our Reach. It is the true Essence of Love and it is Beautiful. Let us Close our Eyes that We may See the Future that is ours for the Taking.

It is my Goal to Create a Magickal Community of Seers, Sages, Mystics, Masters, Guides and Gurus where days are filled with Extraordinary Transformational Experiences and Remarkable Revelations.

Enrich the Immortal Soul with Spiritual Principles that Create an Atmosphere where Dreams and Reality are One.

I Believe that Love is the Greatest Pleasure and most Miraculous Gift which Life affords us. To Love is to Accomplish something Sacred and Divine. Let us Gather as One at the Church of Love.

In my Mind I am Free to Roam the countryside like a Wild Horse and in my Soul I am Aware that Freedom is but a Thought away.

Be in Love with the Flow of Breath. Nurture from Spirit the Glow that Emanates from your Heart. Shape your World with Thoughts of Joy and Embrace the Glory of your Goodness. You are Unique and You are Beautiful. Believe!

We all Share the Earth and in the Spirit of Sharing we must approach each other as Kindred Souls. We are Brothers and Sisters of Light for All Life is Connected. The Time has come to Awaken to your own Beauty and the Beauty of others. The Time has come to Love.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )