( BY Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )
You are a Ray of Sunshine. Within you is the Ability to move Mountains. Genius begins with Belief. We can Manifest Miracles if we Believe that we are Children of Light. Inspire your Heart, Inspire your Spirit and Inspire your Soul for you are a Messenger and the Message is Love. Experience the Divine by Sharing the Beauty of Who You Are. You are Love and You are Loved. Believe!
I Bless you with a Wealth of Possibilities. I Bless you with Mystical Understanding. I Bless you with Earth Awareness and Natural Wisdom. I Bless you with The Courage to Change and the Strength to Live your Passion. I Bless you with the Joy of True Consciousness. I Bless you with Carefree Thoughts and Positive Vibrations. I Bless you with Love. I Bless you for you are a Blessing to all who Know and Love you!
Live a Life of Heartfelt Gratitude and your Soul will Glow with Joy. Share your Spirit and walk with me to a Place of Esoteric Teachings where Fantasy becomes Reality. Let us Create a Community of Earthly Friends and Wrap it in Love. Let us Frolic in Fields of Laughter and Lightheartedness. Let us Live with Dignity, Live with Artistic Vision and Live with Inspiring Positive Energy as we Love each other Deeply and Divinely!
Open your Heart to Love and Joy. Rest in the Arms of Mother Earth and let the Sun warm your Soul. Within you are Sacred Wells of Healing Energy. Reach out to those in need with Kindness and Compassion for it is when we Share our Love that God Smiles. Doors will open for you when you Give Freely of yourself. Doors to Inspiration, Doors to Imagination, Doors to Transformation and Doors to Celebration. Open your Heart to Love and Joy.
May the Love of the Goddess Bless your Soul. May the Poetry of the Universe Inspire your Spirit. May the Voice within Guide you to Serve Earth and Humankind with Caring and Compassion. May you Be your own Light as you turn your Dreams into Realities. May you Live your Passions and Celebrate your Uniqueness. May you Elevate your Imagination and Utilize your Natural Gifts. May you Love and Be Loved. This is my Prayer for You!
When I awake in the morn I shall cast Rainbows at the Newborn sun. I shall let the Gentle Morning Mist envelope my Soul as i Stroll through streets of Joy, Love and Light. I shall Embrace the Spirit of the Moment and Serve the Highest Good. When I awake in the Morn I shall fly on Wings of Hope. I shall Live my Sacredness with a Smile on my Face for I am Alive and I am Blessed. This is what I shall do when I Awake!
What Treasures would you find if you searched the Attic of your Soul? I found Shamanistic, Consciousness, Expanded Awareness, Intuitive Communication, Magick and Miracles, Divine Humanity, Spiritual Illumination, Interdimensional Guidance, Earth Wisdom, Universal Energy, Sacred Poetry, Positive Thought, Aesthetic Possibility, The Breath of God and lots of Love. Search your Attic and tell me what Treasures you find.
Life is a Profound Gateway of Transforming Spirit. It is a Union of Light and Love and a Sacred place of Growing. It is a Timeless Dance of Sheer Beauty. We are a Community of Heart and our Destiny is to Touch each others Soul in a way that Celebrates our Divinity. Breathe in Inspiration and Thank the Universe for the Gift of Life. You are Loved!
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