Many Wonderful Things happen to Many Wonderful People who have Many Wonderful Thoughts which become Many Wonderful Actions that serve Many Wonderful People. You are Wonderful. You are Wonderful.
for those who have shown me love i say thank you. for those who have taken me in when i had no place to go i say thank you. for those who remained loyal through the darkness and the madness i say thank you. for those who fed me when i was hungry i say thank you. for those who have come to my aid when i was under attack i say thank you. for those who recognized my gifts and embraced my spirit i say thank you. for those who loved me when i was lonely i say thank you. mine is a heart of gratitude and for that i say thank you. THANK YOU!
Love and Kindness exist within You and if you allow them the Freedom to show You the same Love and Kindness that You show others your Life will Change in ways Profound.
I Believe in the Unbelievable for I have seen Angels, Spirits, Aliens and Faeries. I Believe in the Unbelievable because I Believe in Me and you cant Imagine the Magick of my Existence.
Love is my Spiritual Truth. What is your Spiritual Truth. What leads You to the Light. What Opens your Soul to Faith and Belief. What is the Path that You are On. Love is my Spiritual Truth. What is your Spiritual Truth.
Peaceful Thoughts are Blessings that become Truth when we set them Free that they may Inspire others to have a more Positive and Loving outlook on Life.
You are a Light that Flows like a River through the Souls of everyone you meet Inspiring them to Live their own Greatness. The Time has come for You to Be your own Light.
Within the Heart there Blossoms a Kinship with Mother Earth and all her Inhabitants. Listen to your Heart and Show the World the Sacred Love that is your True Essence.
Uplifted Vibrations within the Sacred Feminine envelope my Soul and move me to Pray at the Altar of Woman.
You are a Loving person Radiant and Glorious with an Inner Sanctuary of Peace where the Eyes of your Soul see Clearly the Love inside your Heart and Inspire you to Create a Sacred Community where All people See each others True Beauty.
Love yourself Completely and you Live in Joy. Express the Truth of your Existence and you Communicate with the Divine. Appreciate your Worth and you Honour the Sacred. Life is what we Create with our Thoughts so Think Positive and you will experience Wonder and Bliss.
Hindsight may be twenty twenty but Kindsight is Transformational. Look not back in sadness and say What If but instead look forward in Kindness and say Why Not.
Dare to be You for you are Gloriously Wonderful and by Sharing the Gleam in your Eyes and the Grace in your Heart you Open the Heavens to the Beauty of your True Self.
The Greatest Beauty comes from Imperfection. It is the Uniqueness of our Countenance that makes us Beautiful. Whether a size six or a size sixteen, whether sixteen years old or sixty, there is Beauty in every Curve and Character in every Wrinkle. The Lines in our Face tell the Story of just how Lovely We Are. I Love You for your Imperfections just as you Love me for Mine.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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