Friday, August 23, 2013

The Gift Of A Happy Life

Through Deep Gratitude we Blossom. Through Unity, Love and Truth we Transform. Through Passionate Belief we Awaken. The Gift of a Happy Life is something we give ourself Through our Thoughts and Actions.

to walk in balance is to find beauty in everything for it is when we look at life through eyes of spirit that its greatest treasures are revealed.

To find True Happiness one must be a Lover of Life. To lead an Extraordinary Life one must Believe in Miracles. To live the Life of your Dreams one must Love who they are. A Beautiful Life is Created when Love and Belief are One.

a heartwarming thank you to those who have stood by while others turned their backs and ran away. thank you for the love in your heart for it is the elixir of life that sustains me and gives me hope when i most need it.

We are each of us in our own way a Work of Art. Know that with every step you Paint the Portrait of your Life and no matter outcome it will be a Masterpiece.

Share your Unique Gifts. Share the Beauty and Magick of your Soul. Share the Love in your Heart. Life is best Lived when Loved and Shared.

loving who you are is a magickal experience that radiates sacred healing energy and produces positive change in your life.

A Heart at Peace shines with the Light of a Sacred Power that Illuminates a Path into Higher Realms for those who see Peace as a place that Love calls Home.

when love blossoms miracles happen and a connectedness to all life is created that manifests as a community of goodwill and lovingkindness.

i give you my love. i invite you to my garden to plant good thoughts. i give you the freedom to experience. i smile at life and life smiles back. i give you my heart. i ask you to believe in change. i laugh at the universe and it laughs back. i give you my soul. what will you share with me.

How we Experience Life determines how Good our Life is. Do you Experience Bliss when you see a Smile. Does your Heart Sing when you see a Child at Play. Do you actively Look for the Positive in things. Do you Feel the Goodness in your Soul. What is your Experience of Life.

the light of love inspires me to cherish every breath and embrace the gift of every moment that i may walk this earth as a messenger of hope.

Show yourself more Love. Believe in yourself like you have never Believed before. Respect yourself as a person of Significance. You are Worthy of your own Love and when You truly Love yourself the Universe will Open and Reveal its Treasures.

it is better people that make better choices which have better results which contribute to a better world so if you want a better life do your best to be a better person.

Fill your day with Positive Actions and Lovingkindness as doing so will Create a Wave of Light that will Wash over people and Inspire them to Act in Kind.

delight in the magick of possibility. rejoice in the miracle of the unknown. there is so much for us to discover that our every breath should be an adventure. once while searching for answers within my soul i found my true self at play with my inner child and for me that was a most beautiful day.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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