Friday, October 25, 2013

Hug Your Way To Heaven

A Positive Approach leads to Light and Liberation. Conscious Awareness leads to Divine Radiance. An Awakened Heart leads to a Life that Benefits all. It is our Choice whether or not ours is a Life of Beauty. I have Chosen to Smile my Way to Happiness and Hug my Way to Heaven.

the heart awakens each time we share our love in a beautiful and profound way for the heart knows there is heaven in the grace and gentleness of a warm embrace.

you are a citizen of the universe. you are a heart centered being of light. you have the ability to find joy in each moment. you have the capacity for love infinite and profound. you are a creator of miracles and master of pure knowing. you are beauty and truth. you are open and alive. you are a citizen of the universe. be who you are.

the door to my heart is open and if you look closely you can see the greatness within. the window to my soul is open and if you look closely you can see the oneness of all. the gateway to my spirit is open and if you enter you will feel more empowered and enlightened. to be open is to create a loving life and build a better world.

Soul Enriching Blissful Lives are the product of Passion and Purpose. They are lives Created by those who Believe in themselves and see the Greatness within. They are a Choice made by those Strong of Heart and Rich in Spirit. Before us all lies an Ocean of Miracles waiting for those Brave enough to Dive in.

live happily and explore realms of possibility. live honestly and encourage free expression. live lovingly and inspire others to embark on their own miraculous journey. live!

open your soul to freedom and you breathe a new vision of life that is loving and kind where the spirit is bathed in greatness and the heart is filled with joy.

embrace your essence and see the joy within for you are and angel on earth and yours is a life made of miracles and filled with the light of happiness.

the magickal energy of positive thought will make life a divinatory experience of pure light and love. think yourself happy. think yourself joyful. think yourself alive. think positive.

we transform ourselves into love when we open our heart. we attract positive energy when we open our soul. we create a fountain of good fortune when we open our mind. we manifest a life of healing light that flows like the wind when we open our entire being to the beauty of the universe. smile and wear your existence like a sign that says come in i am open.

connect more deeply with others and find meaning in many things, create dreams you can touch and elevate your soul that you may commune with the spirits, be a bright healing light for humanity and make your home a place of passion and joy. life is yours to shape so make it something special.

hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after hug after i will love you more and more.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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