Friday, February 28, 2014

Blossom into Something Sacred

it is when i struggle the most that i seek to connect more lovingly with myself for i know in my heart and soul that the more i love myself the better my life will be.

live with more courage and gratitude and you will better understand your life purpose for you were born to blossom into something sacred and beautiful.

walk angelic pathways of heightened consciousness where transformation and transcendence are one for it is there you will find true joy and manifest a happier life.

when life is at its darkest, be the light. when your struggles are many and your challenges are great, be the light. when everything is going wrong and it seems like nothing will ever be right, be the light, be the light, be the light.

in fields of self discovery i see the miracle that is my sacred self and i begin to blossom into the beautiful being of inspiration and imagination that is my destiny.

to cultivate sacred relationships simply immerse yourself in the heart of spirituality allow your awareness to expand into landscapes of powerful positive change.

more fulfilling and loving are those who open the doorway into other dimensions with inspiration as their guide and a better life as their purpose.

add spiritual depth to your life and yours becomes an empowering and enlightening journey of intention and purpose where miracles and blessings are food for the soul.

we are walking an ancient spiritual path and if we look within we will gain a deeper understanding of the transformative mystical and spiritual worlds within our reach and be better able to live our lives fully and completely.

in thoughtful communication i awaken the healer within that i may immerse myself in the light of your soul and fill your heart with life affirming messages that inspire transformation as they guide you along a path that is loving and blissful.

the light of love within when embraced with sacred intent inspires the spirit to action and moves our life in the direction of the joy and bliss that is our birthright.

live what you believe. live what heals the heart. live what connects you to the earth. live what motivates you to move forward. live your dreams. live what makes you happy and live what you love. its your life to live so live it in a way that makes you smile.

we experience self empowerment when we truly love ourself. it is by loving, respecting, honoring and believing in who we are that we begin the walk down enlightened pathways to a better and brighter tomorrow.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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