Monday, April 21, 2014

A Wondrous Journey of Expanded Awareness

ours is a wondrous journey of expanded awareness and awakening where the soul is liberated every time we smile and the spirit is inspired every time we say i love you. be sure to take the time to enjoy the journey.

positive. repeat that word over and over. let it be your mantra. for some reason people feel the need to post negative things, be overly critical and make comments that are nonsensical. theres an old saying if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all. i post things on my page that i enjoy, that make me feel good. i never post negative comments on others pages. its time we all grew up. positive. repeat that word over and over. let it be your mantra. positive.

love and care for each other. far too much time is spent on reliving the past and worrying about the future. love and care for each other. far too much time is spent on arguing about things instead of sharing things that make you smile. love and care for each other. far too much time is spent being unhappy when happiness is a choice. love and care for each other. love and care for each other. love and care for each other.

reach inside for within you is a cup overflowing with love and by drinking from that cup you infuse your body and soul with soothing currents of positive energy that you may grace the world with the glory of your sacred self.

cultivate sacred awareness and you manifest profoundly healing experiences. have a positive vision of life and you will live your wholeness in a way that benefits all. believe in your magnificence and you will transform into a butterfly of light and love. your destiny is yours to shape.

we are beautiful beings of love on a holistic healing journey of transformative change. dance in the glow of your radiant self and embrace the love within.

your life purpose is to know you are a precious gift and to share that gift with one and all. you are a being of light and a life spiritually expressed is a life that brings about healing and harmony. your life purpose is to know you are a miracle and love your sacred self.

love yourself and the world will love you for the more we love and respect who we are the more we live for the good of ourself and others. to love oneself is to love all humanity.

we are on a path of exploration and discovery. immerse yourself in your personal power and the light within will guide you to your greatness that you may truly experience the beauty of who you are.

experience with me the light of possibility. let us bask in its sacred and powerful glow. let us be warmed by its natural godliness. within each of us the light shines waiting for us to embrace its beauty that it may inspire and empower us to immerse ourself in all that is good and beautiful. experience with me the joy of awareness and feel the love which emanates from within when you realize and accept that anything is possible.

when you immerse yourself in light and love with serving others and embracing spirit as your intention you experience your divine essence as you create life changing shifts that facilitate growth and accelerate ascension.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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