Friday, July 4, 2014

The Glory of our Divine Nature

we are holistic beings and the movement of spirit within us is but high vibrational energy calling us home that we may experience healing, find greater bliss and immerse ourself in the glory of our divine nature.

with clear intent and greater soul infusion i give to you my sacred self for mine is a spirit meant to be shared and a heart born to be embraced.

you are sacred energy. you are warmth and kindness. believe in who you are and you awaken your true self. love who you are and you become the butterfly of light and love that is your destiny.

a loving relationship with yourself will expand your awareness and guide you to a place of inspiration where you may experience the beauty within.

this is a time of great change where people are becoming one with the divine by opening portals of transformation and creating peaceful experiences motivated by love.

awaken your sacred self and you will attract positive energy and richer experiences for within us is a garden of divine light and without even knowing it we are blooming like flowers. By awakening your sacred self you let the sunshine in as you allow this world and beyond to see your true beauty.

significant actions and positive thoughts accelerate our spiritual growth and guide us to discover our joy as we welcome in the sunshine of a new day of possibility and opportunity.

there are treasures within, there are gifts waiting to be opened, there are truths waiting to be revealed and there is love waiting to be shared. venture within to your sacred self and emerge transformed that you may change your life and the world around you.

when we are appreciated by others our life becomes filled with nourishing moments of grace and beauty which inspire us to show our appreciation thereby creating a cycle of love.

recognize, accept, embrace and acknowledge your true self as doing so will lead you to your highest essence that you may see your divine beauty and live a happier and more fulfilling life.

truly love your life and yours will be a beautiful future. truly love yourself and yours will be a beautiful future. beauty blossoms in truth and love.

when we truly love who we are we raise our self esteem to a place of greater purpose and evolve upwards to a place of love and light where we may fulfill our hearts desires.

when you believe in yourself you uplift the spirit and create opportunities for joy. believe you are worthy. believe you are special. believe you are amazing. life is all the more beautiful when you believe in yourself.

what lives in the heart and mind is divine guidance and by making wiser choices we open portals of love and light that inspire that guidance to emerge thereby moving us to create the life we desire and walk a path of limitless possibilities and greater well being.

love is our higher calling. love is an empowering message. love fills the heart and soul with peace and light. love moves us to experience greater fulfillment as we grow into wholeness. love positively influences and inspires every cell of our being. i am love. you are love. i love you.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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