Thursday, April 21, 2016

A More Spiritual Point Of View

a more spiritual point of view opens us in ways that move us to embrace our gifts and share the divine beauty of our true and sacred self.

we grow in unexpected ways when we make ours a soul directed life for this is a choice that creates unlimited possibilities and deeply enriches our every step that we may know our worth and appreciate the joy of being.

invigorate the course of your life with choices and decisions that embrace the richness of the world and inspire you to believe fully in yourself.

let your divine love and light inspire you to focus your energy on spiritual thoughts and beliefs that make your path an affirmative prayer which transforms your world into one of enrichment and enlightenment.

you are an ambassador of love and if you dedicate your life to living lovingly in the light yours will be a soul stirring journey of great beauty and divine bliss.

let love guide you on your journey for true sacred love creates a closer connection to spirit which empowers and enlightens every step along the way.

call forth the greatness within that you may live in a heartfelt way that enriches and inspires yourself and others for you are an incredible individual able to do powerful things who was born to live at the highest vibration.

know that you are born with empathic intuitive abilities which if fostered will not only make you feel better about yourself but will also create miraculous moments beyond the ordinary.

empowering angelic messages and celestial energies resonate within us waiting for us to discover that ours is a soul as bright as the sun and a life that is sacred and holy.

clarity and confidence elevate the consciousness by inspiring you to move forward in life towards a better tomorrow and a more positive future.

we are blessed with multiple gifts and by letting those gifts illuminate the way ours becomes a soul directed life of sacred messages that guide us to the beauty of our sacred self.

we are born with intuitive abilities and once we accept this and share the inspiration we ignite the love that resides within and our life becomes one of sacred knowing and divine bliss.

beautiful are they who listen to their heart and delight in helping others for they are the heroes of spirit who make the most extraordinary contributions to life.

when we live in a spiritual way we enhance the energy within and from us emanates a metaphysical perspective both sacred and powerful that enables us to operate at the highest soul level.

fully love yourself and go forth with clarity as doing so will lead you to a sacred place of personal empowerment and transformation.

wake up and realize that we are part of a revolution of transformation. we are divine beings and by following our truth and creating with intention we can change the world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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