Thursday, September 8, 2016

For It Is Through Kindness That We Expand Our Boundaries

to connect with people in compassionate ways is profound and transformative for it is through kindness that we expand our boundaries and make our journey divine.

you heal yourself and others when you express your true nature and love who you are as these are sacred acts that harness your energies by inspiring you to create a bridge to spiritual growth.

ours becomes a journey into consciousness and deep well being when we express compassion and empathy for others by guiding them lovingly through the spiritual and natural world.

embrace and honor higher beings of love and you will experience personal healing and spiritual cleansing as you align with your sacred purpose.

we strengthen the foundation of our spirit when we use the transformative gifts and magickal abilities within to inspire and uplift the heart and soul of humanity.

loving devotion to ourselves and the higher sources in the universe opens us to the ethereal and our existence becomes one guided by celestials, saints and spirits.

there is an endless supply of uplifting astral energy within your beautiful soul for you are an angelic celestial being of light and by showering the world with that energy you create a path of great joy and satisfaction.

sharing the love within awakens us spiritually to our unique sacred gifts and inspires us to embrace the planetary energies around each other as we heal and transform our lives and the world.

mystical and metaphysical are we who connect to our spirit guides by listening to their meaningful messages and acting upon them in a way that enables us to make a real difference in our own life and the lives of every soul we encounter.

a higher sense of self gives us clarity of intention and leads us to profoundly deeper levels of light and love where we may bathe in the waters of ethereal transformation.

may this be the moment in time where you use your amazing healing abilities and innate intuitive gifts to transform your life and reach higher levels of spirit.

we are continually evolving and by nurturing growth we inspire self love which in turn guides us beyond our expectations to places of power and beauty where we may live a better life.

weave joy into the fabric of your life by touching the soul of others with your unique personal frequency for when we uplift and inspire our fellow travelers we make our life one of spiritual adventures and immersive experiences.

the more spiritually centered we are the more light we bring into our lives and the more likely it is that we will awaken to our higher self and live our sacred purpose.

unfold, develop and expand your awareness for when awareness becomes a natural part of your life a miraculous healing takes place which opens the heart and soul to divine love and light.

let love be a natural part of your life and the divine forces of the universe will make yours a spiritually resplendent life of beautiful brilliant bliss.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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