Thursday, January 5, 2017

Spiritually Evolutionary Change

every moment is an opportunity to awaken possibilities and experience spiritually evolutionary change. seize the moment and immerse yourself in its sacred beauty.

divine connections of absolute love are the reward we receive from the universe when we live a life that is spiritually rich.

you have a most wonderful soul and if you listen closely you will hear deeply spiritual messages that will guide you to transformational resources and positive sacred activities.

you enhance your sacred powers when you lovingly share the energy of your essence as compassion for others is a blessing that improves your karmic future.

gratitude for life radiates positive energy and inspires extraordinary experiences which make yours a passionate purposeful existence embraced by love.

walk your path with the knowledge that you are divine and let this be the day when you create a new reality in which you dwell in the realm of spirit as you grow towards the light.

the next evolutionary step is to expand our reality into one that serves humanity with love.

yours is a journey of ascension and once you realize and recognize this truth you begin to experience life more meaningfully.

explore greater realities as you open yourself to the healing power of love and yours will be an inspired life of immense growth where you are embraced by beautiful star like beings and warm loving spirits.

you are an angelic being in a magickal world and if you look at your life with greater clarity you will see that you are surrounded by energies that motivate and stimulate the soul. open yourself to those energies and your all powerful self emerges and yours becomes a wondrous future of love divine.

divinely inspired are they who see their sacredness and embrace others with its love, light and miracles of healing.

listen to your spirit and you will hear whispers of wisdom that tell you miracles are on their way and that yours is a beautiful life blessed with riches from the heavens.

open your heart and share its sacred beauty as this simple act of kindness serves the greater good in ways that inspire healing and make miracles happen.

you have spiritual healing powers and belief in this truth opens you to the experience of pure joy and blesses your unique and beautiful life with energy from celestial realms.

come home to your hopes and let their sacred power speak to your heart as this will bless you with gifts beyond measure that you may share with the world.

nourish your sacred self with positive energy and you will experience the miraculous for transformation begins with thought and by infusing our divine essence with hope and inspiration we attract abundant blessings.

when we believe in ourselves we look at the world differently and we begin to see that inspiration is everywhere.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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