Thursday, February 2, 2017

We are of Great Value to the World

a desire to be of service awakens our evolutionary energy and natural intuitive gifts while helping us realize that we are of great value to the world.

compassionately helping others leads to a world of divine unfoldment where we discover that we are amazing and inspiring beings whose light within can make t his a love filled universe of bliss and beauty.

listen to the profoundly positive messages emanating from your soul for they carry with them transformative teachings that will enable you to flourish spiritually as you make your way to enlightenment.

miraculous living is the reward for using the tools of transformation within to create an authentic spiritual path of deep self knowing where you bless the world with your sacred gifts.

ours is an awe inspired path and when we walk that path with a commitment to serving the highest good we create opportunities of absolute joy and greater awareness that move us in a positive direction toward our sacred purpose.

share your gifts and abilities with the world as you express yourself in unique ways for you are a being of love whose essence has an impact that enlightens and enhances the lives of those blessed to experience the glory of who you are.

mine is a shamanic spirituality of inner strength and power whose unique essence weaves a blanket of love that serves the well being of all.

be present in each moment and you will facilitate profound changes which will guide you to magickal landscapes and beautiful environments of healing wisdom and divine light.

an extraordinary awakening is happening where the divine within is reaching out and connecting us all that we may as one experience the sacred as we make our way to greater wholeness and a glorious new way of living.

you are a most significant gift to this world. a sacred blessing whose love and light bestows upon us all sweet treasures that enrich and enlighten. you are a miracle to be honored, treasured and celebrated. love who you are.

within you is a place where beauty unfolds and by acting mindfully and sharing that sacred beauty with the world yours becomes a life of purpose and meaning that motivates and inspires.

a deeper sense of self creates a higher spiritual state which makes ours an evolving journey of love on a transformative path to truth, beauty and light.

sacred energy flows within the soul of belief which opens gateways to the divine when we use its powerful positive forces for the greater good of all.

there are miracles beyond words which we discover when we look past our earthly truth into higher dimensional realities for it is in the cosmos that we discover our divine purpose and life becomes one of meaningful experiences which leave us spiritually at peace.

yours is a divine purpose and if you expand your perceptions you can communicate with higher realms thereby making cosmic connections that enhance your existence.

remove emotional clutter from your world and you will gain a clear perspective which will fill your life with angelic guidance, vibrational awareness and soul enveloping energy.

with loving intent seek to empower and unite people for you are a magnificent being and by sharing your gifts you can change the world.

awaken to the divine beauty of who you are and let its glory guide you on a powerful path through vibrational fields of light to a sacred environment of love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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