Thursday, April 6, 2017

Create a Happier Life of True Joy

we are spiritually infused beings on a soul awakening journey of self discovery who by nurturing the heart and soul create a happier life of true joy.

the heavens rejoice when you use your kind and caring presence to open windows of spirit and light the lamp of love.

we are conduits for love, hope and inspiration and by sharing our insights and experiences with others we honor our path as we take the actions necessary to transform.

you are the creator of your own reality who has the gift of spiritual alchemy. make the choice to live your greatest purpose as you manifest a luminous and vibrant world of bliss and blessings.

the energy of the soul produces within us a treasure trove of sacred thoughts which inspire actions that activate love.

it is by living our truest self and walking our path mindfully that we radiate joy and cultivate a happy life.

live your spirituality and your life will change in wonderful ways that allow you to feel more freedom as you experience enlightened oneness and journey to the highest and greatest good.

open your eyes to the truth that yours is a richly blossoming soul expanding journey that lifts hearts into a blissful state of being as you spread love and light into the world.

the more aware you become the more mystical experiences you invite into your life.

we cleanse our heart and soul when we bathe in the ocean of love and compassion for they are blessings of spirit that wash away our troubles and fears.

let the pure energy of love within your heart guide you on your journey and it will lead you down a path of light that is spiritually beneficial to yourself and others for the heart is a divine instrument of ethereal truth and beauty.

lovingly walk this earth with an openness to spirit and you will create a profoundly inspired journey of passion and purpose in which you live an authentic life of sacred beauty.

a nurturing environment facilitates change while opening us to a higher vibrational frequency in which we are blessed with divinely inspired messages that allow us to experience who we truly are.

spiritual exploration is a profoundly life changing act that provides us with opportunities for healing which awaken our shamanic self and lead us to a miraculous world of insight and inspiration.

loving relationships increase well being and accelerate evolution by enlightening our reality and empowering our existence.

look into the garden of your soul for there you will find extraordinary powers that will help you alchemically transform as you connect through mind and spirit to your own true magnificence.

may yours be a unique healing journey of empowering beliefs in which you walk luminous pathways to places of spiritual freedom where you are embraced by the greatest blessings.

we gain greater awareness when we look at the world through eyes of spirit as this allows us to see humanity differently which inspires us to live a more authentic life of purpose.


MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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