Thursday, May 18, 2017

We are Beloved Beings of Beauty

we are beloved beings of beauty and creative consciousness who have innate healing powers which can change lives for the better . it is by believing in our greatness that we bring forth those blessings into the world.

walk a good path and the healer within will release into your life a loving energy that will embrace every step with higher vibrations of spirit.

with the guidance of mother earth and father sky let us endeavor to create a nurturing environment of respectful loving intention and higher levels of integrity where as one we can build a more beautiful world.

listen to the song of your soul and it will shine a light on the ways of love which will increase well being and inspire a life of greater satisfaction.

we are beings of power, purpose and compassionate facilitation whose natural radiance lights the way to love whenever we use our pure awareness and life force energies to help one another.

when you embody your true nature you generate a heart opening goodness of divine inspiration overflowing with love.

we experience spiritual health and wholeness when we open our mind and heart to the profound importance of who we are and love ourselves completely.

a unique future of compassionate awareness and mind opening experiences that rejuvenate the spirit comes to those of self and soul who embrace the world with their sacred gifts.

to give and receive love is to live a spiritually abundant life of reverence and gratitude that takes in the beauty of this world in a way that cultivates the extraordinary.

you are a pure source of energy who by living authentically becomes a powerful and transformative force a good that serves the heart of humanity.

empathy for others creates positive possibilities which help us experience deep satisfaction and live a joyful life.

amazing things happen when you shape your everyday reality with ideas and inspiration that honor and celebrate who you are for you are a powerful luminous being of love.

value yourself by walking toward the light and you will experience a natural state of wellness that makes every step fulfilling and meaningful.

you are the architect of your destiny and every beautiful new morning you have the opportunity to create an empowered life of wholeness and happiness.

we evolve our abilities when we seek to live the best life possible for it is by sharing our light and love that we become our authentic self and begin to experience true joy and happiness.

a life dedicated to helping others carries with it a healing power that changes lives at a soul level.

your true path and purpose are calling you. answer the call and yours will be a journey of deeply transformative encounters through angelic and spiritual realms.

live your true unique nature by embracing your sacred gifts and life will unfold in loving ways.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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