Thursday, August 24, 2017

Cultivate a Life of Spiritual Freedom

elevate, empower, enrich, enhance, enlighten and enjoy your life. then have breakfast and start your day.

empowerment, liberation and sublime transformation come your way when you love yourself.

our innate loving nature is a powerfully poetic blessing bestowed up on us at birth which flows into our world when we cultivate a life of spiritual freedom and loving kindness.

a positive relationship with the present moment is act of powerful spiritual intention that awakens well being while making us enlightened participants on a journey to the sacred.

be a force of goodness whose compassion flows freely and you will connect to the infinite as you enhance the divinity within.

recognize the significance of the spirit within you and yours will be a more authentic life of divine glory and sacred freedom.

i will spend my time on this sacred earth living and loving for that is my destiny.

live your divinity and yours will be a path of greater fullness and enlightened consciousness where joy and happiness are your constant companions.

the force of evolution is a transcendent reality which when embraced creates within us a deeper sense of unity with the heavens that is good, true and beautiful.

seek within yourself those truths that are passionately beautiful and yours will be a deeply empowering life in which you create remarkable changes that allow you to come into your bliss.

choose to make your intentions spiritual and you become a force of transformation whose life is one of discovery, delight and experiences that enrich.

we are given the gift of life and if we open that gift and look inside we will discover larger aspects of the self that liberate our consciousness and lead us to the light.

enlightening, energizing and extraordinary is the realization that we are an inspired work of art and life is our masterpiece.

the soul is liberated when we venture through loving landscapes of light to a positive personal environment where we live our true divine nature.

love is the elixir of life and we reach the height of spirituality when we drink truthfully, happily and joyously from its cup.

this sacred voyage of love that we are on is a blessing of spiritual enlightenment that powerfully embraces the heart and soul when we set out to walk a healing and purifying path to freedom.

within us are wellsprings of wakefulness which when tapped into inspire us to use our innate healing powers to make this life a dance of creation which celebrates our divinity in ways that transform the world.

open the heart to a sacred life and you facilitate change as you journey toward awakening.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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