Thursday, December 21, 2017

Radiant is the Light Within

radiant is the light within that shines when we lovingly nurture ourselves and others as we embrace every moment of every day with the best of who we are.

a greater sense of joy comes to us when we allow things to flow naturally and carry us home to our true spiritual self.

we are eternal and divine beings and when we live this truth we begin to see love everywhere and experience the sacred in everything.

express your sacred beliefs by embracing the good in life as you live your blessings and yours will be an unfolding path of joy, happiness, beauty and bliss.

it is by making choices that enhance the quality of life that we evolve our journey into one of profound loving experiences that open gateways to the miraculous.

you bring love and light into your life when you walk a path of spirit in which you accept your greatness and live your true sacred destiny.

you are at your core a being of poetic beauty who is powerful beyond measure and by embracing this truth you begin to build a foundation of joy rooted in love that connects you to your sacred essence and divine destiny.

create the happiness you desire by using the sacred threads of ancient wisdom within to make your life a beautiful tapestry of light and a limitless wellspring of love.

there are angels all around waiting to help you and it is the simple awareness and acceptance of this truth that will inspire them to share their extraordinary spiritual gifts.

I wish for you a purpose filled path of absolute pleasure where you use your divine healing energies to inspire spiritual growth and invoke all that is sacred.

deep in the heart of every being are blessings and miracles of divine abundance waiting for our arrival home to our true sacred self.

we begin to experience greater joy when we engage in loving relationships that purify our energy while beautifying the heart and soul of who we truly are.

I found the light and experienced greater joy and happiness the moment I truly fell in love with life.

I hope you are aware of the extraordinary significance of your life and of the special contribution you make to the world every time you share your love and light.

embrace the infinite in beautiful heartfelt ways and yours will be a brighter future in which you awaken to your higher self as you venture into a world of spirit.

positive happy people bring out the beauty in life and inspire within us miraculous transformations that liberate and enlighten our world.

the essence of love within is a blessing which when shared brings balance and harmony to life.

greater intentions foster greater actions which makes ours a life of impact that inspires positive change and brings light to the world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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