Thursday, April 26, 2018

Bathe in Holy Waters and Watch as Spirit comes Alive

bathe in holy waters and watch as spirit comes alive and the universe opens its sacred arms and welcomes you home.

a cosmic flow of sacred well being embraces our journey in richly rewarding ways when we realize that we are unique spirits whose pure power when shared can help us and others have a greater impact on the world as we grow stronger and stronger.

the authentic self rejoices when we embody our life force energy and use its blessings to broaden our spiritual understanding and transform every aspect of our life.

spirit comes alive when we align with our soul path as doing so grounds us in goodness as we step joyfully into all that is sacred.

within your heart and soul you will find healing treasures and beautiful radiant energy which will allow you to live more powerfully as you attain true spiritual freedom.

nourish yourself with profound self awareness and yours will be a path of empowerment and greater personal happiness.

step into your dreams, connect with the love you desire and awaken to a new reality in which you are immersed in the healing powers of kindness and compassion.

utilize the gifts you have to joyfully embody love and you will be blessed beyond belief with beautiful experiences that bring you wholeness and happiness.

we experience wholeness when with sensitivity we seek to create a relaxing positive environment that awakens the sacred while embracing blissful serenity.

open yourself to the strength of the soul and it will fill your life with sweet beauty, profound kindness and the spirit of hope.

use your metaphysical tools to explore life enhancing landscapes of consciousness where you embrace your sacred self as you achieve your dreams.

with divine inspiration as your guide walk a spiritual path and yours will be an incredible journey in which the universe gifts you with higher levels of joy.

passionate dedication to creating healthy relationships attracts more love and makes our journey one of soulful living and sacred blossoming.

an open loving heart is a powerful blessing that positively impacts life in ways that make ours a happier healthier world.

align your heart with your greatest self and yours will be an adventure of spirit that embraces and nourishes every step along a positive path of passion and purpose.

within the core of our being is a loving sanctuary which when visited inspires ideas to come alive that manifest powerful experiences which help us step into our highest power.

authentically express yourself as this will create a new reality that celebrates the spirit and adds meaning to life.

there are profound benefits to greeting life with a smile and surrounding each moment with love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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