Thursday, December 1, 2011

Life is a House of Souls

The Dove of Peace is here to Light up our World. The Great Spirit Owl connects us to Mother Earth and brings us Wisdom and Knowledge. The Majestic Eagle Inspires us to Dream and to Embrace the Shaman within. The Buffalo gives us Greater Purpose and Awakens us to the Gift of this Moment. The White Wolf leads us from the darkness into the Light and Opens a doorway into our Heart that we may Share our Love. We all have Guides ready to Enhance, Enrich and Enlighten our Lives. See the Beauty that surrounds you. What are your Guides and what do they bring to your Life?

Beloved Child of God and Goddess i wish you a Loving and Blissful Life. I wish you Visions and Dreams that Uplift and Transform. I wish you a time of Cosmic Connections with the Earth and the Universe. Beloved Child of Heaven and Earth may you always see Life through a Child's eyes. May you always be Alive and full of Hope. May you always Live from the Heart and walk a Path of Spiritual Transcendence. Beloved Child you are Blessed and you are Loved.

To those who Believe i say Live within the Light and allow the Divine to Manifest. The future is yours and you can Create a continuous Dream of Wholeness and Harmony. To those who Believe i say it is a Privilege to Share Love. You are Free to be yourself and Change the World one Heart at a time. Create a Sacred Circle of Inspiration and a Bridge across Dimensional Realms. To those who Believe I say Believe in me as i Believe in you.

Fall more Deeply in Love with yourself. Live with a Heart that Glows and a Soul that Ascends. Explore the Sacred as you Create a Safe and Nurturing Environment of Love and Light. You are a Gift to all Humankind and the more you Love yourself the more the World will Love you. Help yourself, Heal yourself and Hold yourself close for by doing so you Help the World Shine a little Brighter. Go to the mirror, look Deeply into your eyes and say the words you are longing to hear - I Love You!

Be an Angel of Peace and Prayer. Be a Mentor to those who seek a better Life. Be a Facilitator of Mystical and Miraculous experiences. Imagine a World which is Alive and full of Hope. Imagine a World which Nourishes your Mission in Life. Imagine a World where we are all Blessed with Loves presence. Be a Messenger of Truth. Be a Minister of Self Mastery. Be a Teacher of Dreams. Life is what we make it. What will you BE today?

Love is Victorious when we are United in Spirit. Life is most Joyous when we Thank Mother Earth. We are Beings of Light and the Sun and Moon are within our Soul and Together they Illuminate a Path to Heaven. We bring Heaven home to Earth when we Adore each other. Be Grateful for your Spiritual Blessings and let your Love flow like a River. A new day is upon us - Awaken to Joy, Awaken to Kindness, Awaken to Love - Good Morning World, I Love You!

Waves of Kindness, Waves of Joy, Waves of Wisdom from the Earth wash over me Cleansing my Spirit. Heavenly Messages and Miracles envelope my Soul. I am a Sacred Being and a Compassionate Friend to the Community of Man. I give Meaning to every Moment by filling my Sky with Rainbows. Waves of Gratitude, Waves of Hope, Waves of Happiness from the Universe bathe my Heart in Love and I am Whole.

Life is a House of Souls and each Soul has an Angel all its own to Guide and Inspire them. We are a Tribe of people Sharing a Consciousness and lighting a Candle of Love. We are a Community of Spirit with a clear Intention to make the World a Better Place. Let us Embrace the Light of Dawn and Venture into each day Dancing to the Heartbeat of God. Life is a House of Souls. Welcome Home!

( Words by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )

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