You are a Divine Being of Profound Grace and Radiant Beauty. Embrace yourself and those you Love with Positive Vision and Spiritual Essence. Empower the Now by Living the Truth of Who You Are.
Create Harmony in Mind, Body and Spirit. Flow with Grace and release the Pure Light within you that all may be Inspired by your Beauty. To Achieve Greater Peace and Passion one must Believe and Embrace these Truths - Life begins with You and Love connects us All.
Kiss an Angel Good Morning and you will have Heaven in your Heart throughout your Day.
Experience who you are. Embrace the Divine Presence within you. Open the Window to your Soul that you may see your True Self. Live a Liberated and Awakened Life of Light. You are Special and to taste Heaven you need only Dine at the Table of God where All are Welcome.
When in fear let your Spirit Sing. When in doubt Soar with Inspiration. When you are sad Express yourself Creatively and When you are lost touch the World with Kindness. Celebrate Life and Spirit. Celebrate the Earth and all its Citizens. Celebrate the Majesty and Miracle of the Universe. When in darkness let your Smile be your Light. We as Beings of Love are Heaped with Blessings. We are continually Evolving. You are Capable of Great things. Be the Answer you Seek.
Love is the Nourishment every Soul craves. I Love You. Dinner is Ready.
Let your Soul sing of the Joy and Wonder of Life. Let your Spirit dance in Celebration of Blessings of Love and Light. We have within us a Beautiful Fountain of Positive Energy overflowing with Hope and Happiness. Be Joyously Alive, Triumphantly Awake and Miraculously Aware. Life is to be Lived so Live it with a Smile on your Face.
The Face of God Smiles upon us Bestowing Grace upon our Soul.
Make the Highest Choices and you give Soul to the Universe. Live your Highest Self and you make every Moment a Transformation Experience.
Life is a Rich Spiritual Palette and we are Alchemical Artists of Soul. We are Instruments of Healing with the Ability to Change Lives. Ours is a Glorious Future of Earth Friendly Choices to be Nurtured and Encouraged. Bright things lie ahead for those of us whose Devotion to Spirit reaches to the Heart. We are Creative Souls whose Inner Dance is a Ballet of Beauty and Bliss. Lovely and Refreshing are we who Live Life's Mystical Journey with Passion and Purpose. Bless the Love we are Born to Live.
Transform your Life from the inside by Listening to the Voice within and Journeying to your True Self. The True Self will reveal that you are a Multi - Hued Tapestry of Clarity, Compassion and Change.
A Reverence for Life brings with it True Spiritual Joy. Journey with me to other Dimensions where we will Create Rainbows and Liberate Souls.
Children say the best Prayers. For this moment let us Pray like a Child for the World could use more Rainbows, Puppies, Playgrounds and Chocolate....
Listen to the Teacher within and Touch your Destiny with Wisdom from the Soul and Knowledge from the Spirit.
You are a Miracle. You are on a Mystical Journey of the Soul and the Possibilities are Infinite. You are an Immortal Reality of Truth, Beauty and Light. You are Sacred and Divine. You are a Bright Light upon the Universe. You are the Spirit of the Wind and a Reflection of Nature at its most Lovely. You are a Unique, Positive and Authentic Contribution to the World. You are Worthy, You are Deserving, You are Valuable, You are Needed and You are Loved. Believe It!
( by Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )
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