Miracles happen in places where Mother and Child dwell for the Love of Mother for Child is where Heaven and Earth meet.
The Heart of the Earth is filled with Loving Energy. Connect with Mother Earth and you Inspire Life Changing Transformation.
There is a private Piece of Heaven for those who Share their Beautiful Unique Self with all Humanity. It is a Sacred Temple of Joy and Enlightenment where Pure Healing Light Blesses the Soul. We who Live a Peaceful Inner Life in this Dimension will Soar with the Angels in the next Dimension. We are Beings of Light and Butterflies of Spirit. Existence is a series of Transformative Realities. We are Flowers in a Celestial Garden and every Season we Bloom fuller and Brighter. There is a private Piece of Heaven for those who Share their Love with all Humanity.
Make the Heart Soar with Insight and Revelation by Living in Harmony and Loving in Happiness.
True Passion for the Planet serves as a Catalyst for a Time of Rebirthing and Inspires an Open Heart and Mind.
Lover of Earth, Sail with me on an Ocean of Bliss to a Community of Angels where Life is Rich with Loving Kindness. Carried by the Wind we will Explore New Worlds and New Ways of Thinking. Lover of Earth you are my Essence.
Live your Life as a Meaningful Message. A Message of Spiritual Perspective and Miraculous Living. A Message of Insight, Wisdom and Guidance. A Message worth Listening to. Turn your Light inward that all may Bask in the Beauty of your Soul. Ignite Change by Empowering your Spirit with Passion and Purpose. The Heart is Proud of those who Live their Love. Live your Life as a Profound Prayer.
Bring Peace into your Life by Connecting with Mother Earth and Experiencing Reality in new Ways. It is by Creating our own Truth that we Find our Purpose.
Serve the Soul with Genuine Love and Infinite Tenderness as you Light a Candle of Understanding and you will Awaken to a Richness of Spirit that Transforms and Transcends.
Joyful music Resonates from within my Soul and I Listen with Love.
Life is a Temple of Love and we are Ministers of Hope and Happiness. Ours is a Message of Higher states of Bliss and Joy. We are Catalysts of Kindness. It is our Destiny to Guide people along a Path of Truth, Beauty and Light. A new Awareness is upon us and we have the Opportunity to Communicate and Create Transformation. Let us gather in Prayer at the Temple and Celebrate our Blessings. Love is the Thread that weaves Mind, Body and Soul together. Church is in Session. Let us Pray.
Celebrate Humanity's Evolution for All is One in Soul and Spirit.
Live your Gifts and the Spirits Dance for Joy. Live your Beauty and the Soul Sings a Song of Praise. Live your Love and the Gates of Heaven open to let your Heart in. Live!
Live your Gifts and the Spirits Dance for Joy. Live your Beauty and the Soul Sings a Song of Praise. Live your Love and the Gates of Heaven open to let your Heart in. Live!
Love is a Way of Being. Share Inspiration and you experience Peace, Love and Joy. This is a Changing World and to make a Difference we need to access the buried Treasures within our Souls. It is there we will find Deeper Truths. It is there we will find Divine Light. It is there we will find the Vibrant Essence of Nature. We who Love as a Way of Life will do Great things as we Create a new Reality.
Live from Love and you Open your Soul to the Light. Live from Kindness and you Open your Spirit to the Heavens. Live from Joy and you Open your Heart to the Sacred. Live from Truth and you Open the World to the Beauty of Who You Are. Live.
With Childlike Joy i Play in Fields of Spiritual Radiance. With Wisdom from the Ancients i Teach of Enchanted Realms and Expanded Realities. I am Child and I am Ancient. I am Young and I am Old. I am Eternal and I am Infinite. I am Love and I am Light. I AM!
Seeker of Truth Ascend to Higher Dimensions. Seeker of Light Live the Good Life. Seeker of Love make Profound Connections. Seek and Ye Shall Find.
Today let us Feast on Freedom. Let us dine at the Table of Liberation and Rejoice in our Blessings. Let us Celebrate Life as a Sacred Adventure of Transformation. Today let us Feast on Peace. Let us Gather at the Church of Hope and Pray for Open Minded Acceptance of all People. Let us Dance in Divinity and Sing in Harmony. Today let us Feast of Love. Let us Play in the Garden of Paradise and Create Artistic Visions. Let us Embrace the Flower of our Soul as it Blooms. Today let us Feast.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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