The most Glorious Light is the Light of our Compassion for from it We see Clearly the Beauty of Kindness, Goodness and Love.
Within the Heart of the Creative Soul are Poems and Prayers from the Ancients placed there to Guide us to Treasure and Cherish every Moment and to Share the Wisdom which is Innate to Who We Truly Are.
Waves of Happiness wash over my Heart whenever I see a Smile on the Face of a Child. Vibrations of Sacredness engulf my Spirit whenever I see the Light of Joy in the Face of a Lover. Streams of Inspiration encompass my Soul whenever I see Delight in the Face of a Friend. Life is Always better Whenever I See!
If you Walk always with the Greatest Good as your Intention you Enrich your Life and the Lives of Others in ways that Uplift the Spirit and Soothe the Soul.
A Life of Spirit has led me to the Realization that the Imaginary World of my Youth was less Imaginary and more Alternative Reality.
Born to Shine are they Who Appreciate and Accept the Beautiful Layers of the Inner Self as a Sacred Atmosphere that Uplifts and a Temple of Insight and Clarity which Inspires.
Living and Being are One. It is when we Love our Life and Who We Are that We Accomplish the Greatest Things and Feel Fully Alive.
Plant yourself firmly in a Fertile Field of Light where You may Grow in Spirit and Compassion as you Cultivate a Life of Loving Kindness.
Connect with the Self and Embrace your True Spiritual Nature for it is when we Fully Accept Who We Are that We can Heal our Life and bring Happiness to the World.
Hear the Whispers of Wholeness and Harmony within your Soul and You will Experience the Positive in ways that Transform your Life.
Truth and Love are Kindred Spirits which Inspire the Heart with Illuminating Wisdom.
Be Gentle with Yourself for You are Sacred and Precious. Find Joy in all You do for You are Worthy and Deserving. Loving Who We Are is the Greatest Gift we can give Ourself and the World.
There is Wisdom in the Soul of every Individual for We are Ancient Beings who have Walked this Earth many Times over many Lives.
We are Stars in a Universe of Light and Love who are Beautiful beyond the ordinary and Sacred beyond Imagination.
Explore the Light within your Soul and you will Discover a World of Goodness touched by the Hand of God.
We as a People have the Opportunity to be a Greater Collective for Global Change. We have the Ability to become a Collective Consciousness which has a Positive Impact on Humanity. We are Butterflies of Spirit and the Time has come to Share our Transformation that all our Brothers and Sisters may be Healthy and Happy.
Love is a Friend I have had all my Life that has Protected and Guided Me. The more I Appreciated the Love in my Life the more Love that came my Way. Blessed am I for I am Embraced by Love.
Happiness is Good for the Soul. If you want a Happy Life you must Seek through Spirit to remove stress, anxiety, tension... from your Life. They are impediments that once removed Open Portals to Enlightenment. Happiness is not something you discover for it is already there. It is something you See and Feel more and more as you remove those walls of negative Energy. Happy are they who Truly See for they are the Angels who have made their way Home.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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