To Inspire the Angels to Spread their Wings we need only Open our Heart to those in Need of Compassion and Kindness.
To Live your True Self is to Live and Love Nature in a way that Blesses the Earth and Facilitates a Positive Transformation that Benefits all Humanity and the Sacred Universe.
We are all Connected by Love. We Share a Heart of Peace, a Spirit of Giving and a Soul of Awareness. Let us Gather in Prayer and and make ours a Collective Pilgrimage to a new World of Hope and Freedom where Joy and Happiness Radiate from every Living thing.
It is with Transcendent Glory that I Touch the Sacred with a Zeal for Living that Awakens the Divine within and Inspires the Heaven that is my Heart to Open its Gates and let Everyone in.
Life is Bliss for those Courageous enough to not only Dream their World into Being but to be the Kind of Person people Dream of.
Be sure that the Language of your Soul is one that Translates well that you may Communicate the Beauty of Who You Are to this World and Beyond.
You and I will plant Seeds of Kindness, Seeds of Compassion and Seeds of Light from which will grow Gardens of Love that will Nourish the Soul and Spirit of all Humanity.
Nourish your Soul with the Healing Energies of Sacred Mother Earth. Your Lifes Mission is to Help Others and by making your Journey more Joyful you Revolutionize your World as you Inspire other People and other Worlds.
My Soul is suspended by Threads of Truth and Transformation that all the World may Experience my Divine Inspiration and Sacred Imagination.
The Journey of my Soul becomes Ecstatically Inspired in those Moments of Wisdom where i am able to Learn through Joy.
Make Friends with Yourself. Show yourself the Love you Deserve. You are Significant and You are Special. Believe it then Live it!
Connect with People who can Profoundly impact your Life as it will Create Opportunities to Enrich and Enhance the Essence of Who You Are.
Life is a Spiritual and Earthly Experience meant to be Gentle and Loving. It is when we become more Comfortable with who we really are that Create Change and become a Force for Good.
Freely Share your Love and yours will Be a Happy Oasis of Highest Intention where Heavenly Fruit Nourishes the Soul and Prayer has Evolved to a Place where it is always Answered in Softly Spoken Words that Transform.
Show your Dreams that all may be Inspired by your Essence. Share your Dreams that all may Experience the Beauty of your Soul. Live your Dreams that all may Feel your Creative Passions. Dream, Dream, Dream.....
Make yourself Happy by Uniting the Soul and Spirit through Acts of Kindness and Gentleness.
Those of us who are Graduate Students at the University of Life take Pleasure in Serving for in our studies we have Learned that Giving and Sharing are Profound Gifts to be Worshipped and Respected.
I am Unique and Empowered. My Life is a Neverwaking Dream of Passion and Compassion. I Stand Proudly before the Cauldron of Transformation for I know that whatever Change comes will be my Destiny. Mine is a MultiDimensional Reality where the Soul is Guided by a Divine Presence to Places of Pilgrimage where Love is the only Truth. I am The Ancient One.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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