There is a Pathway to Spirit where every step is Infused with Kindness. To find that Path we need only Embrace the Belief that We are Worthy for to Believe is to Ascend.
The Prayer of the Soul begins and ends with the words I Love You. Look in the Mirror and Pray.
Every Woman has a Rainbow in her Soul that Radiates an Inner Beauty which Transforms those who See the World through Spiritual Eyes.
love yourself. love the landscapes of light and spirit. love your life vision. love the evolution of your soul. love all beings. love living an active life. love the earth. love the holiness within your heart. love the universe. love your aliveness. LOVE!
To Heal Humanity we must first Heal ourself which will Create a Greater Intuitive Flow that encompasses people in Body and Breath while Cultivating Bonds of Bliss that make every experience Extraordinary and Enlightening.
It is when Earthly Love and Heavenly Love become One that the Soul is Awakened and We are Truly Alive.
The Inner Fire within my Heart radiates a Glow of Enlightenment which Sings my Soul open and Inspires me to make a Difference in the World.
It is when we See the Beauty in All that we Awaken Joy and Feel the Grace and Glory of the God within.
Cherish Yourself and make a Home in your Thoughts for a Truth as Sweet as the Sunrise.
The Eyes Smile when the Soul Laughs and the Vibration creates a Flow of Positive Energy that Opens Minds and Touches Hearts.
Cultivate a Loving Soul and yours will be a Diverse and Poetic Reality where you Live Beautiful and Learn to truly Enjoy Life and all its Blessings.
With Deep Gratitude I Gaze at the Moon and Praise the Universe for the Blessings which Inspire my Soul and make me Fully Alive.
We have the Ability to Enlighten and by Giving who we are into the World we can Empower people with Knowledge and be a Catalyst for Change.
With every Act of KIndness there is a Spiritual Revelation. There is a Moment of Clarity when we Realize that Love is the Light and the Way.
Awaken your Higher Consciousness and reach Beyond the now to a Place of Innocence and Purity where every Moment is an Opportunity to Learn. A Place of Gentleness and Compassion where you feel fully Alive for you Live in a Deep and Meaningful way. A Place where you Bond to All Beings and feel Unity with All Life. Awaken for it is when we Awaken that we become Aware of all the Beauty, Love, Joy and Happiness that is within our Reach.
Nestle softly in the Graceful and Generous womb of Sacred Mother Earth for it is a Place of Infinite Possibilities where Miracles happen.
If you Listen with your Heart you will find that within the Soul of everyone you meet are Transformative Teachings that can lead to a Life of Joy. We are all Mystics and Messengers with an Ocean of Ancient Wisdom to Share.
Yours is a life of inspired creation where your innate abilities manifest positively. I wish you a walk in peace where the grass is green that you may honour your needs and be the hero of your own life.
May the wonder and joy of life allow you to let your soul sing that all may be blessed by the symphony within your soul.
Your profound and positive presence is a testament to your self awareness and souls desire. I celebrate the portrait your soul is painting and honour your personal landscape. I wish you freedom from limiting beliefs and a life in alignment with the higher good.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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