Why are we Here? We are Here to Share our Dreams. We are Here to Manifest the Divine. We are Here to Blissfully experience the Beauty of it All. We are Here to Strengthen the Life Force. We are Here to Laugh. We are Here to Become the Light. We are Here to Live. We are Here to Love. We are Here.
Spiritual Bliss comes when we Devote our Lives to the Greater Good of all. Every Act of Kindness adds a Feather to the Wings of the Angel we will one day Be.
Dreams of Joy make the Morning an Enchanting and Beautiful way to start the Day. Dream Gently. Dream Tenderly. Dream Lovingly. We can make our Dreams anything we Choose. Dreams of Love make the Morning an Enlightening and Inspiring way to start the Day.
There is a Greater Love within. A Love so Powerful as to Open a Path of Light that you may Experience a Life of Wonder and Joy. Reach within and Share your Greatness with All.
A Beautiful Heart Space and a Positive Outlook are all one needs to Create something Magickal. Celebrate you by revealing your Hidden Resources and using them to Inspire others. It has always been You that could Change the World. It has always been You.
The Higher Good is Wrapped in the Dreams of the Pure and Divine for they are the Timeless Messengers that Light up the World.
You are a Living Manifestation of the Sacred with the Ability to Touch the Sky and Deeply Benefit Others in Unique and Beautiful Ways.
Be Honest with yourself and Open your Soul to Love. Be Aware of your Higher Senses and Open your Heart to the Blessed Experience of Life. Be the Embodiment of Divinity you were Born to Be and Open your Spirit to your Sacred Self. Be Who You Are, What You Are and Where You Are Supposed to Be. Believe. Be Love. Be!
Awaken and Journey to the Center of your Existence for it is there the Impossible becomes Possible and it is there you will find the Wisdom you need to Create a Compassionate Environment that Benefits All Humankind.
Empowered and Connected are we Practitioners of Spirit who Dedicate our Lives to Serving others. We Share a Common Thread of Love on our Inspired Journey of Mutual Spiritual Growth. Bless Us All.
Beauty is a Feeling of Love that you Feel when you truly Experience the Miracles of Life.
Love is the Greatest Good. It is that which can Heal the World. Love is the Highest Purpose it is that which can move Mountains. Love is the Miracle of Life and the Glory of God. Love is...
Flowers Rain down on my Soul whenever I use the words I Love You. Love showers me with Hope and Inspiration whenever I use the words Thank You. Choose your words carefully for they just may set you Free.
In Loving Service I give you my Heart. In Reverence for all Life I give you my Spirit. In Honour and Respect I give you my Soul. The more Goodness we give to Others, the more Love we give to Ourself.
Positive Choices are Life Affirming and allow our Spirit the Freedom it needs to Illuminate our Journey that We may see the Beauty around us.
The Human Experience is meant to be Joyous. Let your Dreams Dance their way into Reality and fill your Heart with Happiness. Positive Thoughts and Positive Values will Transform yours to a Life of Joy and Inspiration.
We are Butterflies and Faeries waiting to find our Wings. We are Angelic Beings of Light in Transition waiting for the Transformation. We are Gods and Goddesses waiting for the new Reality. The Time for waiting is over. Let us claim our Wings and Transform that we may take our rightful Place in the Heavens.
( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )
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