Friday, November 1, 2013

A Pure Heart Nurtured In Spirit

a pure heart nurtured in spirit is one of life's unique gifts meant to be explored and experienced. reach within and embrace the wholeness and grandeur of its sacred beauty. listen closely and you will hear its message of hope. celebrate for it is a divine offering within us all waiting to be set free that it may ascend. a pure heart nourished by soul is one of life's greatest treasures meant to be lived and loved.

live in a way that inspires complete trust and yours will be a voyage of happiness and fulfillment. become more fully alive and yours will be a path abundant blessings. be truly awakened and yours will be a life divine love. be who you truly are and yours will be a world of great joy and kindness.

in loving grace and angelic bliss i light the way for others as i find true joy and journey to wellness for i was born to walk in beauty and enhance your life with love.

within each of us is a place of peace. a nurturing place that is unique and delightful. a sacred place that connects with spirit. journey inward and open the gate to the highest good and a better tomorrow.

awaken to a life of greater learning experiences that teach enhanced spiritual awareness and align with the soul for yours is a destiny of revelation through faith that begins now.

you are a spiritual catalyst, a hidden treasure radiant with the energy of positive intention who lives and breathes miracles. believe this truth and you open the door to divine ecstasy.

structure your life in ways that make you happy and which embrace your true nature as doing so will make yours an enlightening and fulfilling journey of bliss.

life is an endeavor of love. manifest your desires and your heart becomes uplifted and empowered. discover the divinity within and every moment becomes a profound blessing. learn to love and accept yourself for in doing so you create a reality of beauty and bliss. love your life and your life will love you.

deep inside yourself are waves of transformation and when you remove stress, anger, fear and anxiety from your existence you open channels of light and the waves wash over you creating a new and more joyful loving existence.

the path to personal freedom begins with the belief that that if you expand your life vision and nurture your sacred self you can transcend the darkness and dance merrily in the light of a loving universe.

mine is a metaphysical philosophy. a belief that encourages healing. a dogma that creates a harmonious home. a truth that exists for the soul purpose of serving the common good. mine is a sacred journey.

we are teachers of light. every moment is an opportunity to teach. we are students of love. every moment is an opportunity to learn. life is an education to be shared by kindred souls.

bring light and wisdom wherever you go and walk a path of positive energy. life is a remarkable journey for the wise souls who use their spiritual gifts to create something beautiful that inspires infinite possibilities and opens the door to change.

embrace your true self and liberate your soul with the knowledge that even in the darkness there are blessings for those who believe something positive will come.

My soul is a sanctuary of enlightenment where the enhancing flow of positive energy communicates a peaceful message of love. Beauty and joy embraces my spirit as i savour and celebrate the glory of all living things. I have found empowerment through spirituality and it is my desire to use that power to radiate goodness and contribute wisdom, wellness and bliss to all humankind.

Strive to create harmony and peace and yours will be an awakened life. The essence of being alive is loving acceptance of yourself, for once we accept ourselves we unleash the beauty that lies within our soul. Like a tree from a seed the generosity within will bear fruit if we plant love wherever we go. Be a Spiritual Gardener and the soul of nature will smile as the earth sings a song of everlasting joy.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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