Friday, November 29, 2013

The Embodiment Of All That Is Spiritual

Spiritual Living means Exploring your Sacred Healing Gifts in ways that are Caring and Compassionate. A Spiritual Path is a Path of Love and Light which leads Home to your True Self. A Spiritual Destiny is Achieved by making Profound Choices that lead to a Constant State of Joy. Yours is a Spiritual Journey for you are the Embodiment of all that is Spiritual.

embrace all traditions and experience the spiritual with an open mind and soul. live a life of simple truths and compassionate moments for the true beauty of the earth is made visible when humanity lights their path with love.

we are each in our own way angels, guides and teachers. be a sacred presence and use your divine godliness to make healthy choices and connect with spirit in ways that inspire others. open your heart and mind to the truth that if you accept yourself you become perfect and complete.

you shall be loved more than you can imagine if yours is a positive path that leads from the heart.

Release the Spirit within and Live your Life with Clarity. Pure Intent and Positive Inspiration will fulfill your Aspirations and lead you to a place of Soul Waking Discovery. Awaken your Innate Healing Abilities and your Journey becomes a Unique Tapestry of Joyful Adventure and Sacred Beauty. Release the Love within and Live a Life of Charity.

the path of discovery is filled with enlightening experiences that make our dreams come to life. it is through conscious realization and sacred awareness that we are able to see the true beauty that is our destiny.

I Worship and Praise who you are for You are a Child of God and Goddess, You are an Angel on Earth and You are a Breath of Inspiration from the Soul of Heaven. You are Sacred and Beautiful. This is Who You Are. I Worship and Praise Who You Are.

explore other possibilities, other realms, other opportunities and other dimensions as doing so will fill your heart with infinite compassion and lead you to live a more positive life of deeper insight and understanding.

moments of profound insight and clear inner vision come to those of pure intention for they are embraced by the light and divinely guided along a path of love.

live with a grateful heart and you will blossom like as rose for you are a treasured gift to share and by being grateful you serve the global community with truth, beauty and goodness.

The time is now to find your way to bliss. Take your life to the next level by manifesting your dreams and living your life joyously. The time is now for a revolution of mind and spirit. Let every day be a feast of love, peace and passion. There is an infinite ocean of light before you, seize it and become who you were meant to be. The time is now for Love! Nourish the world with the beauty of who you are.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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