Thursday, October 8, 2015

Let The Spirit Speak

let the spirit speak and you will here messages of love which will expand your sacred self in a way that opens you to experience new possibilities as you transform your life.

everything you do will have greater meaning and importance the moment you believe in who you are and share that belief with others that they too may transform and transcend.

nurture inner guidance as doing so creates feelings and thoughts that inspire which in turn will move you to design your destiny into something incredible and astounding.

immerse yourself in the light of awareness and you will see that you are surrounded by angelic spirits which will guide you to embrace your ancient gifts and empower you to ascend as you connect to your highest power.

a greater appreciation for this earth creates a mindset that changes life in the most amazing ways for it manifests affirmative choices which tilt your perspective by infusing your spirit with optimism and empowerment.

you dont find good fortune you create it. dreams are something you build. wishes are things we shape into reality with positive thought and action. to truly live is to make your life into something beautiful. you are an artist of spirit. believe in who you are and paint something extraordinary.

how you treat yourself impacts the planet. be true to who you are by nurturing and loving yourself as doing so sends out waves of positive energy that contribute to the planet in ways profound.

a desire to live life to its fullest and a passion for serving others combined with a positive attitude and lifestyle will guide you to your highest and greatest good.

do what is good for the heart and you heal yourself. do what is good for the soul and you heal those around you. do what is good for the spirit and you heal the world. to have a better life and a better world is simple for all that is required is that we do what is good.

share freely your gifts for yours is an extraordinary life and by opening your heart fully you facilitate self healing and begin down a path to joy and happiness.

explore deep within that you may fill your heart with a love that will benefit future generations as it inspires this one. by making sacred choices and facilitating divine actions the good you do now will manifest miracles that create a better and more beautiful tomorrow.

i have a deep appreciation for those blessed beings who dedicate their lives to being of service to others for it is the kindness of those souls that change the world for the better.

nurture me with the gentle sweetness of your sacred soul and i will wrap you in wings of light and together we will live a life of deep and profound love.

we are beings of innate goodness and when we choose to walk in beauty and truth we wake up to a sacred reality in which ours is a path of spiritual growth and loving kindness.

have you ever been alone yet felt a beautiful presence that embraced you lovingly - that was the real you revealing itself. we are beautiful beings of spirit waiting to be set free that we may share our love and light. close your eyes and allow yourself to experience the beauty of who you truly are.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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