Thursday, October 29, 2015

Live Your Natural Goodness

more pleasure in life will come when you live your natural goodness and truly love who you are.

you are standing on holy grounds and if you walk your path in life affirming ways you will discover the miracle of your sacredness and the wonder of everyday life.

yours is a life of possibility and significant change will come when you commit to living your greatness for it is by understanding ourself and our gifts that we awaken to the transformative power within and begin to create something beautiful.

may yours be an adventure in self discovery where life changing realizations infuse you heart and soul with a deep love and appreciation for just how beautiful and glorious you are.

take positive action, move toward change, embrace the divine power inherent within, open the doorway to blessings, foster a more compassionate attitude, cultivate self love, share freely the sacred aspects of your being and live the glory of who you are. life is about choices. what have you chosen to do on this most wonderful day.

a more empowered way of being is a gift we give ourself when we share our extraordinary essence with the world.

your inner deity is waiting for you to find your way home that it may fill your world with soul satisfying pleasures and higher vibrational awareness that leads you to live your life for the benefit of all beings. the god within is waiting to welcome you home.

what is true for you may not be true for me yet i honour and respect your truth for i know that your path has been difficult and that you have come to your wisdom through strength, courage and survival. what is true for me may not be true for you but it is beautiful nonetheless. let us gather in celebration of our unique essence and authentic truth.

explore the true nature of who you are and you will discover great treasures which will change your life for the better. yours is a heart and soul filled with beauty and bliss. embody your heart, embrace your soul and rejoice as you flourish and grow.

listen deeply to yourself for you have much to share. you are one whose soul is filled with sacred teachings. illuminate your life with the knowledge of the ancients and yours will be a brighter happier future. listen deeply to yourself.

the spirit of adventure is a gift we give ourself which rewards us with liberating insights that open us to loving ourself and others in a manner befitting the angels of truth and beauty that we are.

life is about giving and receiving love. giving love empowers you to heal and inspires you to manifest the divine. receiving love opens realms of higher consciousness and creates positive personal growth. take command of your life by allowing your eternal soul self to give and receive all the love that life has to offer.

as we journey inward we discover truths that if embraced will make ours a devotional path of extraordinary well being that leads to gateways of inspiration and portals of possibility.

deep in your soul and in your cells is a sacred beauty which when released into the universe will guide you to make authentic positive choices that will bring into your life more harmony and balance.

awaken and liberate your divine healing energy for doing so will create joyful relationships that manifest a new world of possibilities where you can consciously cultivate a more meaningful life.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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