Thursday, January 28, 2016

Live Every Moment In A Unique Way

live every moment in a unique way that touches you deeply and you will manifest a positive wave of profound wisdom that will give you clarity and direction as you live the miracle that is your life.

the divine self creates new paradigms and a brighter perspective when we seek to evolve our spirit and live out our dreams in honest and inspiring ways.

when we share the compassionate gifts of the soul and our intent is heartfelt and loving we grow spiritually and find meaning in the world.

you are a being of divine light and love whose universal energy and pure intention are gifts that you share while living the beauty of your true and sacred self.

lighter and happier are those who listen to and accept guidance from the soul for they are the blessed who feel transformed and empowered as they live their life in ancient sacred ways.

a sacred willingness to explore the self and live your mission and passion with confidence and compassion will create feelings of pure joy that will change your life for the better.

the wisdom within you is a gift which you have been blessed with. use that gift to radiate pure cosmic energy and profound understanding as you create meaningful life experiences.

with warmth and love approach this day with the attitude that your beautiful healing soul will raise the energies of others and create miracles that transform and transcend.

when you realize the significance of your journey you become a vessel for spirit that uplifts and empowers.

believe in the truth that you have remarkable sacred abilities and your life will become an amazing journey of unique healing experiences and unconditional love where every moment is a spiritual breakthrough that empowers and enriches.

when we know the glory of who we truly are we come to realize that we have lived many lives and that we are an inspirational force of loving intelligence with the ability to create a more beautiful reality.

we make our life better when we cleanse and renew for they are actions which release anxiety and stress while fostering those things that make us the beautiful beings of light and love that we are.

the more deeply connected we are with life, love, the world, the universe and all of humanity the more balanced and whole our journey will be and the more able we will be to see the true beauty of who we are.

gratitude for your gifts will allow energy to flow freely in a nurturing and caring way which will enable you to help yourself and others.

somewhere beyond knowing is a place of holistic transformation where your loving soul can awaken the inner spirit and raise your consciousness that you may live your life as the miraculous blessing it is.

make yours a powerful prayer of pure intent and you will create a path that opens doorways to dreams.

the divine soul is a gift we are born with that has transformative powers that if acknowledged and embraced will allow us to live our true sacred self and create miracles.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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