Thursday, February 11, 2016

Cherishing And Loving Your Sacred Gifts

you have exceptional abilities and once you realize that by cherishing and loving your sacred gifts you can create positive energy you will begin on your road of divine perfection.

focus your attention on enhancing your life by immersing yourself in the heart of higher truth for it is there you will discover uplifting positive messages which will help you make the world a better place.

pure spirituality is the gift we give ourself by being in harmony with the sacred. it is a blessing that fills the soul with ancient teachings and wisdom that makes our journey a powerful and effective excursion of abundant joy and unlimited possibilities.

the joy you deserve is waiting for you to realize just how beautiful and ethereal you are. at that moment of realization you will gain more wisdom and yours will become a path of life altering adventures where you channel light and experience love.

this is a transformative time of vibrational flow where the journey of light that we are on is opening us mind, spirit and soul to the love that is our birthright that we may achieve personal and planetary healing.

explore your inner powers as doing so will provide you with insight and clarity which will allow you to see and experience the beauty and blessings within and around you.

be open to inspiration and you will discover that the sacred heart communicates with angels for when we open ourself to blessings of spirit we also open portals to the divine.

blessed by the waters of spirit are those who share their energy in loving ways for they are gods and goddesses of truth and beauty placed on earth to transform lives.

forge your own sacred path through multi dimensional realms which liberate the soul and inspire you to embrace affirmative choices which make you divinely present in the moment.

embark upon a path of inner healing and soon you will be receiving messages of light telling you that your mission on earth is to love your life and live your joy.

a more positive relationship with yourself in which you feel truly blessed will invoke the divine and create mystical experiences that will guide you home to a place of harmony and peace.

help from the spiritual realm is always there waiting for us to acknowledge its presence and accept its blessings.

when we are sincere in our desire to bring joy and hope to others ours becomes an incredible journey of light. when we are devoted in our purpose to bring peace and freedom to others ours becomes a sacred voyage of love. life is ours to shape. make it the miracle it is meant to be.

we are glorious spiritual beings. we are sparks of the divine. embrace your beliefs by immersing yourself in your truths and you will be led by the heart to a most beautiful and sacred new tomorrow.

we find inner peace when we make choices that change us in beautiful ways.

the more passionate you are in your beliefs and the more you share your gifts the greater will be the call from within. that call will create an energy of love that will help you navigate into the light. that call will transform your soul with positive healing revelations that are relevant to your divinity. answer the call.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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