Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Purposeful Path

a purposeful path where you share the good with all people as you bless them with love is a choice that one can make which invites the cosmic energies of the universe to shine a light on the true beauty of our existence.

with vibrant enthusiasm embrace the vital life force and use its sacred energies to create a safe nurturing environment where you can discover your true abilities and make a positive difference.

the more you enjoy being alive the better your life will be. make a conscious choice to do your best to make each moment something beautiful. see every step along the way as an opportunity to bring light into your world. let this be the day that you truly enjoy being alive.

know that you are a truly amazing angelic being of light for it is the knowledge of our divine glory that makes life a rewarding journey in which we walk with spirit on our way home to the soul.

from the spiritual fabric of life let us weave a wardrobe of love and light that warms the heart of humanity.

live more fully in the moment by sharing your generous spirit with the world as this will create meaningful experiences that embrace your path with waves of love.

when your intention is love the results are positively promising blessings that manifest experiences which inspire. for within love are sacred energies that make our unique life journey one of wellness and wholeness.

be a facilitator of love whose divine blueprint is one of energy and intuition that connects with the spirits while embracing the fullness of life with healing vibrational energy.

you cannot break me for i am already broken. you cannot hurt me for i have taken the shattered pieces of my battered existence and with them created a mosaic of strength , courage, happiness and joy. you cannot break me for in my brokenness i have become a butterfly of sacred beauty whose wings wrap my world in love.

life is spiritually empowered with ancient knowledge which embraces our journey with love when with profound respect and sacred passion we set our intentions to serving the greatest good.

i am grateful for the experience of being alive for life has given me the opportunity to love deeply from the heart while inspiring within me a willingness to share the joy and beauty of who i am.

start healing yourself. you have within you powerful tools with which to transform your life. look closely and you will discover a multitude of loving sacred gifts within the heart and soul of who you are. start loving yourself.

i am tired of being tired of tiring people whose ignorance and prejudice darken our world. so i have chosen on this day to enter an energetic state of deeper awareness that opens my heart and soul to harmony and healing which i will share in the hope that it will awaken those who darken our doors to the light of a better more loving world.

deep meaningful and more harmonious our lives become when we make the effort to help heal ourselves for it is by being brave enough to truly and freely give ourselves the love we deserve that we transform and transcend.

a smile is a vibrant expression of love which when shared honestly and sincerely can create unique, unforgettable and magnificent experiences that are blessed beyond measure.

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