Thursday, June 1, 2017

Balance, Serenity and Alchemical Change

balance, serenity and alchemical change come to us when we use our vital life force energy to make the world a better place.

the greatest gift you have is love and when you use it honestly and faithfully you have a positive impact that changes lives and makes dreams come true.

walk your path with the help of angels and yours will be a journey of greater insight where every moment is refreshed and inspired by the beauty and grace of your glorious sacred self.

harness the power within and use it to make good choices that stimulate feelings of love which lead you toward a compassionate future where you live more completely.

your life is a gift which is designed to inspire and by sharing this gift your path unfolds in magickal ways that bestow blessings upon the world.

sweetly sings the heart whose good intentions light the way to a truly marvelous and miraculous future.

a positive sense of self releases the sacred fluids that flow within which help us evolve and change into beings of benevolent harmony and divine purpose.

we all have spiritual powers of light and love that bless our existence in sacred and meaningful ways. our mission is to discover those powers and use them to serve the highest and greatest good.

in peace and joy set your intentions to beautifully design inner and outer landscapes of love and light that honor and celebrate the earth and the cosmos.

look closely at the rich complexities of life and the soul of every story for they are filled with treasures of light that can make our path one of healing and wholeness where we live our purpose passionately and poetically.

diverse and beautiful is the oasis of transformation within the heart and soul of who we are. it is a sacred blessing filled with spiritual powers which unfold into our world when we truly embrace the bliss of our existence.

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