Thursday, November 16, 2017

You Create your Soul Path and Life Purpose

you create your soul path and life purpose. not only do you create it but at any time you can change it. the realization and acceptance that we are masters of our own destiny opens us to the earthly and celestial miracles of life.

help people awaken and become more powerful by blessing them with love and compassion.

positive lifestyle choices bless us with loving energy while opening us to a world of sacred possibilities and divine opportunities.

engage in contemplative practices that draw wisdom from within and your life will change in deeply enriching ways that guide you on a journey towards joy and happiness.

I am having a love affair with spirit and it is a blessing that fills my path with life affirming experiences which inspire me to evolve into a higher being of truth and beauty.

we blossom into awakening when we live and love in unity with all that is sacred.

we have the ability to create miracles in our life. they are called children and they carry within the soul of their being all the hope and happiness needed to make the world a better place.

a vibrant harmonious and enriching life unfolds before us when we commit to having a loving rewarding relationship with our true sacred self.

I stand before you in full beauty as a sacred being with the intention of helping you lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

empower your life with joy. enrich your life with happiness. enlighten your life with love. you and you alone are the master of your fate and you have within you the tools necessary to shape your existence into something sacred and beautiful.

to each and every woman I say my intentions are pure. as a man I honour and celebrate your divine beauty and sacredness. I respect and admire the miracle of your existence. to every man I say let us as sentient beings do our utmost to see that we stand together in unity for those who have been mistreated. the time has come for every soul on earth to say no more. may we all do our utmost to stop the abuse. to each and every woman I say that you are loved. bless you all.

unfolding on your journey at every moment are blessings and miracles. to see them you must open your heart fully and allow your spirit to awaken.

we merge with the sacred when we love, respect and believe in the beauty and miracle of who we truly are.

be sure as you face the challenges life that you see within them the blessings in disguise for it is through spirit that we are able to recognize the miracles that surround us.

explore who you are and you will discover riches and treasures beyond your imagination which will guide you along a path of mystical experiences to a world of spiritual enlightenment.

you are a powerful presence whose spiritual energy makes a positive difference in peoples lives. awaken to your divine purpose by shining your light and sharing your love with all beings on sacred Mother Earth.

a heart entered life helps us see the miracles and blessings around us thereby making it possible to weave a tapestry of beauty, bliss and radiant goodwill.

enhance your life and awaken your soul by loving yourself and walking a blossoming path of spirit.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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