Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Your Soul Is Alive With Energy

your soul is alive with energy and by connecting to its radiant brilliance you create a spiritual awareness that shines a caring light on your true sacred beauty.

celebrate your spirit, celebrate your soul, celebrate your heart, celebrate your body and celebrate your mind for you are a sacred blessing to be loved, cherished and celebrated.

a positive healing lifestyle inspires within us the confidence to create the destiny of our choice.

you improve the quality of your life when you cultivate self acceptance as this is an act of kindness and compassion that fills the day with divine loving energy.

live and love more authentically and you will experience feelings of bliss that transform your life holistically and spiritually.

it is when we truly love who we are that we invite miracles into our lives which help us evolve in profoundly positive ways.

within you are delightful blessings of light which purify and heal the heart and soul when you share your passion, purpose and love with others.

we evolve and grow into sacred beings of light when we gather together to learn what makes us different and special.

embrace every experience with love and yours will be a sacred and spiritual journey of beauty and truth that opens gateways to joyous living.

with love and compassion we can create a life of wholeness and happiness overflowing with bliss.

alive with positive energy are we whose passion and purpose are to connect the heart and soul of all humanity.

speak to your heart and let its message of love open up your soul as it guides you to wellness.

with generosity of being i share with you my light and love in the hopes that you will act in kind and bless the world with your sacred essence.

when you live a life of loving tenderness in which you open your heart to others you honor who you are.

the beauty of the soul is pure and perfect. embrace that beauty with loving attentiveness and it will fill your days with life altering experiences that foster well being and manifest happiness.

with care, compassion and a clear vision of your true path, move into the light that all may see and experience the miracle of who you are.

act in greatness, live in glory and love who you are, for you are a sacred being powerful beyond measure who has the ability to inspire and change lives.

life is a pure soul experience of great joy and happiness when we believe in ourselves wholeheartedly as we thoughtfully craft our dreams into realities.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your inspired words of Love and Light! Cristina -
