Thursday, February 22, 2018

Think and Act in ways that Serve the Greater Good

try just for one hour, one day, one week... to think and act in ways that serve the greater good. start believing that through kindness you can make a difference. start asking for and expecting more. start creating a flow of positive energy that embraces higher realms of light. start being who you were born to be. the time has come to embrace your beauty and live your bliss.

there is no debate. stop saying its not about guns its about people. stop saying its not about people its about guns. stop saying its not about violence its about mental health. stop saying its not about mental heath its about violence. stop saying and start doing because its about all those things. the time has come to put away our guns and get the mental health care we as a society so desperately need.

healing is the light of love for through love we create a sacred energy that wraps us in an illuminating truth which tends to our wounds with compassion and kindness.

every day we are alive we are in the company of angels only we don't call them angels we call them children.

it is the discovery that life when loved, honoured and respected is divinely guided that brings forth the true beauty of our existence and inspires us to be our highest self.

beautifully unique are those glorious souls who believe in true happiness and make it their mission in life to manifest that reality.

you are a beautiful star in a sacred universe and by living in a manner that honors and celebrates the miracle of your existence you create greater realities which awaken the spirit and energize the soul.

the journey of ascension begins the moment we choose to look at the truth of life with greater clarity.

absolute unconditional love energizes our essence which awakens our empathic gifts and opens us to soul empowering truths that bless us with an all embracing path of light.

when we look at life through eyes of spirit it is the lightness our our being that protects us from the darkness of the world.

share the deep spiritual messages within your loving energy as this will bring to your life true moments of bliss that enhance your sacred powers and connect you to the heavens.

we are beacons of light whose metaphysical endeavours when passionate and purposeful Improve the quality of life for those we so sacredly serve.

in fields of compassionate energy I plant seeds of love from which grow trees of life whose branches embrace me, fruit nourishes me and roots ground me in world most sacred.

in the ocean of my existence there is a lighthouse of love which illuminates the way home to my divine graceful essence.

we are pure sacred expressions of love and by living that truth and sharing our light we inspire others to act in kind and with gentle beauty forge a path in which they breathe miracles.

goodness carries with it a sacred truth which fills the spirit with love and radiates a light of purifying energy that makes life a positively miraculous reality that touches the heavens.

be a soul architect - someone who designs and builds a life of positive loving energy where they house all those things that make life beautiful and invite everybody in to enjoy them.

I have chosen throughout my life to use my heart to craft experiences that radiate love and because of that I have been blessed with a profoundly beautiful path of light, harmony and happiness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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