Thursday, March 15, 2018

Esoteric Practices and Pure Intentions

esoteric practices and pure intentions create within our life deep rewarding changes that enrich our journey in unique and powerful ways which make each and every day an inspired masterpiece.

self love and acceptance are extremely beneficial gifts we give ourselves that lead us beyond this world to a place of sacred revelations that nourish spiritual wellness and empower every part of our ethereal existence.

the presence of spirit is always with us and when we live our best life it reveals itself by breathing love into our journey and illuminating the path we are on with divine light that we may see with clarity the way to our beautiful sacred home in the heavens.

ours is a mystical adventure to magical worlds when we express our divine self in ways that bring love and healing to those who are in need.

immerse your entire being in profound self love and waves of healing energy will cleanse your spirit and guide you into the heart of transformation.

I am a magical being in a modern world whose mission is to walk in peace as I share the beauty and truth of the miracle that is life.

it was when I discovered my sacredness that I was able to move forward with clarity the my true place of happiness in a universe of my own creating.

close your eyes and focus on the love within you and the presence of angels around you. this will make yours a beautiful existence of powerful experiences that create extraordinary results.

the transformation of humanity can only take place if we come together as one and share our light in loving ways that bless us all with beautiful gifts of joy and bliss.

we are messengers of truth with nurturing powers who make the world a better place whenever we listen to the call of the sacred and express our divinity.

share the light of your spiritual vibration and let your intentions speak, for you are blessed with unique gifts which when released into the universe impact the lives of people in powerful positive profound ways.

explore and celebrate the beauty within your own heart as this will awaken energies that cleanse the spirit and embrace the sacred self with love.

we all have extraordinary healing abilities that manifest when we truly believe that we are miraculous beings and use that blissful awareness to inspires others on their path of spiritual ascension.

hope is on the horizon waiting for you to find your mission and purpose as doing so will transform your life in powerful ways that make you a force in the universe.

you are an enlightened being and by embracing your personal power and sharing your unique sacred gifts you can embody every aspect of the pure love that is your divine self.

we are surrounded by oceans of energy and by opening ourselves fully to their blessings we change our life in amazing and miraculous ways that fulfill our spirit and lead us home to where truth resides.

it is the intention to create a better future that connects us with spirit while guiding us to act in ways that serve the greater good.

may the celestial light of love shine upon you that the world may see the beauty of your pure open heart and experience the glory of your divinity.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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