Thursday, March 29, 2018

Loving Messages of Hope and Happiness

communicate spirituality by sharing loving messages of hope and happiness that manifest beautiful experiences which empower and enlighten.

a positive sense of self blesses us with the courage to experiment with new ways of being.

see your inner beauty and feel your dreams as you bless your life with a self perpetuating vitality that makes your journey one of authentic abundance and higher evolution.

beautiful and serene is the place within where the pure vital power of our sacredness flows freely waiting for us to enhance our awareness and awaken the angel within.

faithful devotion to source and self makes ours an inspiring path to wellness in which the natural flow of positive energy creates profound healing that changes who we are at a soul level.

live your true purpose and you will feel passionately alive as you align with your strengths which will inspire you to love and accept yourself more completely.

raise the energetic vibration of your ethereal existence by surrounding yourself with compassionate caring people whose loving kindness deeply nurtures in ways that bring divine quality to your life.

improve the quality of life by connecting to the source as by doing so you will be blessed with rewarding fulfilling experiences that awaken your beautiful soul and raise the vibration of your blossoming spirit.

the moment you realize and accept that you have the power to change and heal others you ascend to higher levels of happiness.

when we connect to the sacred we cultivate well being and ours becomes an abundant path of unlimited love.

use your powerfully transformative gifts of spirit to express your divinity and make yours a self healing journey into the light of your true self.

step into a new paradigm of happier healthier living by awakening the spirit within and lighting a fire of positive personal growth.

share the goodness of your true self as this will enhance your gifts and inspire within you an empowering transformation filled with miraculous manifestations.

every morning when I awake I open gifts from the universe which show me the true value of life and empower me with positive changes and beautiful experiences that embrace the divine essence of who I am.

when I listen to my angels and guides mine becomes a peaceful loving environment where I can live my days joyful and free.

blessed beyond belief are those who truly love humanity for they are connected to the mystical realms of the universe where they can open doorways to happiness and healing.

when we focus on our own well being we benefit the good of all for the happier and healthier we become the better equipped we are to empower and motivate others.

a compassionate heart of great beauty exits within and when you share that beauty freely and unconditionally you open the doors to love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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