Thursday, August 1, 2019

Dance with me in the Womb of Creation that we may give Birth to a Shared Beauty that Stimulates the Sacred.

dance with me in the womb of creation that we may give birth to a shared beauty that stimulates the sacred.

cover not your soul. open it that the world may see the gift of your existence. cloak not your spirit. unveil it that the world may gaze at its true beauty. hide not your sacred self. reveal it that the world may know its magnificence. who you are is a blessing to be shared.

love is food for the soul. stop starving yourself and eat.

when people come to me for readings many of them already know the answers to the questions they ask. they are just looking for confirmation and affirmation. before you spend money on psychics sit quietly and ask yourself what you want to know and then write down the answers you would give if it was somebody else asking. sometimes we find it easier to tell others the truth than to tell ourselves. sometimes it is easier to listen to a stranger than to ourselves. listen to your heart, listen to your spirit and listen to your soul. a question does not exist that we can't answer if we look within. I as a reader only tell people what I see within them, what I feel emanating from them and what their spirit tells me about them. truly ask yourself those questions that need answering and then with an open mind listen.

I received a call from my soul yesterday whose message gave me the direction and purpose to not only dream the impossible but to also live those dreams in gentle loving ways. its amazing what miracles can happen when you listen.

my life transformed into to something simple and sacred when I realized that the more positive the journey I am on is the greater my experiences are and the happier my days become.

love, light and laughter are natural gifts that I use freely with the intention of generating goodness, greatness and glory.

within knowledge there is hope, within wisdom there is light and within common sense there is love.

there is a fire in my soul that connects me to the source and inspires me to live with honor, integrity and dignity the divinity that is the essence of who I am.

I have always without question been who I am. I have never been what others wanted or expected me to be. I care not what the world thinks. I know in my heart that I am a good person. I know in my soul that I am an honest person. I have walked away with my head held high from people and places that could not or would not accept me as I am. be who you are for you you are is someone beautiful and blessed.

yesterday was one of those days when around every corner there was some mindless moron waiting to pounce. the rude cashier at the grocery store, the old guy that just drove in front of us without looking and almost caused an accident, the relatives that couldn't make the simplest decision on when to meet for dinner, the drunk couple at two in the afternoon at the ice cream shoppe... it was one of those days. the good news is that it was also one of those days in which just being with my wife and son running errands was enough to warm my heart and soothe my soul. so instead of reacting poorly and telling people off I just let it slide and enjoyed the beauty and blessings of my family. who knows what was going on in the minds, hearts and lives of these people. whatever struggle they were having did not change the beautiful bond we have as father, mother and son. I am thankful every day for the miracle and magnificence of those whose love has saved me from myself.

when we walk our path through landscapes of love we give birth to a beauty most sacred which inspires our dreams and enriches our realities.

with joyous anticipation approach this day for there are miracles waiting for you to discover them and sink your roots into what is sacred.

I stopped doing the fairs a long time ago because there were far too many pretenders. I am a simple man of sincerity who believes that we as practitioners have a spiritual calling. people come to me for counsel. people come to me for direction. people come to me for insight. I have turned down requests to work as a phone psychic. I said no thank you to an offer to work in Vegas. for me it begins and ends with honesty, dignity and integrity. I am a sacred servant and my purpose is to shine my light an share my love. if you are a practitioner of spirit then please always be truthful and honest. I hold my head high for my intent always has been and always will be pure.

mine is a brush that paints a path worthy of high regard for I have always seen the world as my canvas and my life as a work of art.

feel it don't fake it. I only do readings when I feel it. I only do healings when I feel it. I only do spirit investigations when I feel it. I only do tarot readings when I feel it. I only do spells when I feel it. I only do past life readings when I feel it. I only do dream interpretation when I feel it. I only do spiritual counselling when I feel it. I never do anything just for money. I never do anything just for the sake of doing it. I never do anything I that I believe is not necessary. I never do anything unless it feels right. I never fake it. I always feel it.

today with gentility of spirit light the flame of hope as you walk in balance toward your dreams and desires with a sacred song in your heart.

authentic expressions of spirit pulsate with a light of love that illuminates a path of growth where we as beautiful beings of light may blossom.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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