Thursday, July 9, 2020

Beautiful Natural Energies filled with Mystical Insight

within the fabric of your destiny are beautiful natural energies filled with mystical insight and extraordinary healing powers. use those energies to holistically and spiritually help yourself and others open new dimensions to higher personal growth.

a spirit of gratitude creates within us greater harmony, sacred well being and higher frequencies of love.

many many times over the course of the day my son asks me dad has this been a good day. in fact he starts asking that the moment he wakes up. the day has barely started and I am barely awake but he asks has this been a good day. then I turn on the radio and hear people complaining about wearing masks, whining about isolation, going on and on about conspiracy theories, playing political games and placing blame on anybody and everybody. it all just sucks the life out of me and then I hear dad has this been a good day. the answer is yes. the answer is yes because all the negative press, people ... are but a distraction. my son on the other hand is a blessing. I think today I will have a good day.

I find that for me contemplative meditation and a cosmic perspective are an inspiring source of joy.

engage with me in spiritual practices that enhance understanding, open channels of communication, empower peoples lives and inspire one and all to discover their true natural light.

I am on a powerful personal journey of purpose and intention filled with moments of awakening that move me forward into the light.

outcomes are positive and expectations are fulfilled when we with positive attention use the gifts within us to help ourselves and others to be the loving souls we were always meant to be.

I walk fertile grounds of faith that embrace my sacred self and inspire me to engage in wellness activities which fill my entire being with wholeness and happiness.

isolation after awhile begins to chip away at our protective layer thereby making us more vulnerable to depression, fear, anxiety... be openly aware of your mental health and combat this decline by engaging in soul nurturing, spirit building, heart opening and mind expanding activities than serve the highest greatest good.

inspired actions that ignite our purpose and illuminate our true nature are gifts we give ourselves which align us with the great spirit.

embrace change, practice self love, shift your perspective, expand your sacredness and live your glory in service to something greater.

an open mind and heart inspire positive actions which refresh the soul and weave faith into our being.

you have the freedom to believe and if you believe in yourself you will manifest a world of magical surprises and spiritual enchantment that is profoundly peaceful, divinely beautiful and deeply sublime.

use your energetic essence to create new patterns of multidimensional awareness that are abundant with love. do this and yours will be a path of purification where the soul feels at home.

mine is an altruistic consciousness and sacred life purpose which has moved me many times to use my healing gifts to help others survive, thrive and be joyously alive.

I once had a roommate who just happened to be gay. The moment I started staying at his place men started asking me aren't you afraid people will think your gay and I would say and that would be bad why. They would then say because people would think you are gay and I would respond by saying okay. Then they would say you are not gay are you and I would say not I am not but the only reason I am not gay is because I am straight. They would inevitably start to ask another question when I would simply say you need to go home look in the mirror and ask yourself what makes you this way. my roommate is a man as am i. people can think what they want. prejudice, fear and phobia have no place in my life. its time you started looking at people for who they are not who you think they are. if my roommate was a woman would you ask me if I was afraid people would think I am a woman. of course not. I will be me, you be you and if we can do that simple task well then maybe we can all be better people in a more beautiful world.

there are within our reach beautiful boundless heavens waiting for us to discover that we are the enlightened ones for once we do that we are open and receptive to blessings of bliss.

true feelings of joy and spiritual balance were my reward for consciously connecting to life with the highest good of all as my path, purpose and intention.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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