Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Breath of Inspiration


with generosity of spirit and the breath of inspiration explore your greatness, express your magnificence, elevate your consciousness and enhance your existence as you walk an esoteric path of ethereal significance.

connecting with the soul opens gateways of light that reveal pathways to wellness which help us to see with greater clarity the pure positive beauty of who we are.

the day I truly opened my heart I began to value my existence, explore my true purpose, breathe life into my dreams, evolve spiritually, walk in peace and experience the love that is my destiny.

my life is a plan of unfoldment in which I project loving thoughts that inspire authentic actions which help me to thrive, blossom and live a life that I love.

the blueprint of my being is one of creative awakening that cultivates compassion from the core of my being while invoking the energies of the earth which open doorways to transformation.

I was walking along the path of life reading the signs of destiny when I was embraced by the preciousness of existence and the realization that in spite of my struggles I am truly blessed.

live with a peaceful heart and a unique blossoming occurs that connects you to your source and brings vision and vitality to your life.

cultivate acceptance, open yourself to new possibilities, move forward with confidence, honor your spirit, embrace the fullness of life, share your love and connect with the universe. then have breakfast and go out and face the day.

live your path, purpose and potential with a positive perspective and the senses open wide revealing the full spectrum of humanities beauty, bliss and blessings.

climb with me the crystalline ladder of love into the celestial womb of the heavens where the divine flow of happiness and harmony heal the heart, embrace the spirit and bless the soul.

I shall walk a path of love in which I make a spirited contribution to the world around me that serves the highest good and leaves cosmic footprints which light the way for others.

positive changes that are purely divine occur when we realize and accept that we are the masters of our own fate and begin to walk with confidence along the road of life to a happy destiny of our own creation.

mutual appreciation contributes to collective transformation which awakens inner peace while illuminating our world with a love that is positive and profound.

take a leap of faith into a life of love where your passion for the planet and its people flows like a light from heaven into every aspect of your existence while transforming dreams into realities of absolute beauty and abundant blessings.

mine is a path with heart in which stillness, quietude, greatness and glory flow freely like messages from heaven.

I feel nourished, nurtured, refreshed and revitalized whenever I break free of limitations and bathe in the celestial beauty of home, heart and spirit.

the heart when embraced by true honest natural love resonates in total peace while raising the frequencies of humanity.

today I will set my compass to personal truth, joy of being, positive growth, inner creativity and infinite love as I journey to my highest purpose and potential.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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