Thursday, January 18, 2018

Life is a Song of Creation

life is a song of creation which when truly heard moves us to dance in the light of nature and spirit as we embrace the earth with love.

it was while creating miracles in my dreams that I awoke and began to see with clarity all the miracles in my everyday life.

breathe love into your life and with every breath you will discover a greater sense of purpose which will illuminate your path with beauty and bliss.

we heal ourselves by helping others heal themselves which propels us all forward into the light of a better and more beautiful tomorrow.

you fill the world with greater happiness when you use your capacity for love to move life forward into the light of your true divine self as you seek to serve the highest good.

connecting to each other in positive ways empowers us to grow into beings of light whose mission is to love.

our path is always unfolding in front of us and our task is to see the fertile ground and plant seeds of love that will reap great benefits throughout our life.

the moment has come for you to experience your true beauty and immerse yourself in the glory of your sacred loving existence for you are a higher being who was born to shine.

congratulations you are alive.

open up spiritually and you will be embraced by the light which will expand your reality and reveal a higher purpose in which you transform the lives of others and yourself as you generate positive loving energy.

with kindness and compassion approach each day knowing that you are a spiritual being with sacred abilities who has the power to help others in miraculous ways.

make it your goal to be a source of happiness for the intention alone will uplift your spirit and enrich your life.

will you play with me? on this day let us jump for joy, dance in the sunlight, sing sacred songs of beauty and blow kisses at the moon. will you play with me?

you feel cleansed and blessed by self awareness when you see your true sacred beauty and shine its light on others that they too may know just how glorious they are.

great generosity awakens the beauty within which makes our life a dance of love that gifts us with happiness, healing and blessings beyond our imagination.

in each moment of existence we experience our divinity and when we realize this beautiful gift and embrace its truth we bring joy into our life and love into our heart.

a path beautifully intentioned in which we aspire to be kind is a blessing we bestow upon the world that elevates the human spirit.

the heart has a consciousness which speaks to the soul and if you listen closely you will hear them speak of your sacred beauty, divine purpose and illuminating essence for you are a poetic being born to live a life of miracles.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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