Thursday, January 25, 2018

You Are A Beautiful Reality

you are a beautiful reality and those blessed to experience your sweet sacred self are enriched and inspired.

you can make your life better by living from the heart for the heart is a spiritual force and a miraculous blessing that lights the way with pure positive energy.

you have marvellous abilities which when used compassionately create magical possibilities that attract mystical opportunities which open gateways to greater joy and happiness.

at night sacred ancestors whisper from within sweet somethings that inspire those who believe to step forward into a greater more loving future.

the universe has a spirit which elevates the soul whenever we touch others in subtle ways that are comforting and reassuring.

look not for love but instead be love for by doing so you awaken your sacredness and discover that what you have always wanted you already were.

make choices that empower and yours will be a pure positive adventure in which you dream into reality your divine purpose as you embark on a journey of enlightening experiences.

there is a world beyond this one where every breath we take is a celebration of spirit and every moment is a miracle to be treasured. we awaken to that world when we hear the whispers of the soul and answer our calling.

a true desire to help others stimulates the spirit and makes life a beautifully harmonic voyage on metaphysical waters to lands of love and light.

spiritually minded people who turn their thoughts into positive actions are angels on earth whose lives create a positive ripple effect which nurtures love.

a beautiful powerful field of energy resides within the core of your being which brings light to the world when you smile for a pure sincere smile is a blessing that touches people in profound ways.

you have sacred healing gifts and when you use them to help others love flows into your life and raises you to a higher state of joy and happiness.

a heart at peace is a blessing that opens within us a powerfully precious source of light that cultivates a life filled with passion, pleasure and purpose.

set your intentions to living a better life as this will help you become more alive which will enhance your existence with positive well being that feels good for your soul.

give yourself the gift of love for it is by truly loving ourselves that we are able to love others.

you experience your own bliss when in grace and gratitude you enter your heart and grow into the loving being that is your destiny.

when we express our true self we are embraced by a sacred light that uplifts and empowers us to walk pathways of greater happiness to places of divine beauty beyond this life.

look for the light within and you will find that yours is a life wrapped in grace and beauty, for the answers we seek are waiting at the core of our being for us to make our way home.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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