Thursday, June 21, 2018

Purity Of Intention

it is with purity of intention and loving awareness that I begin each day.

you are beautifully designed. you are a blessing of light whose path is connected o the cosmos. you are an immortal inspiration whose essence embodies love. I honor who you are. I celebrate who you are. I am who you are. we are one.

when we truly care for ourselves and others we make a positive and profound difference that transforms our world.

every day is miraculous, every day is magickal, every day is a blessing and every day it is great to be alive.

it was while playing with unicorns and dancing with faeries that I realized mine is a positive path of purpose and a divine life of blessings.

by putting love into everything we do we are planting seeds of kindness and compassion from which will grow a life of sacred beauty and bliss.

personal and spiritual growth are the rewards when we embrace change with open arms.

transforming is the journey whose benefits and blessings delight the heart and inspire the soul.

let us express our truth in an uplifting manner that inspires people to live a fully liberated life of love.

live radiantly and gloriously in the heart of joy as you engage in empowering actions that elevate the spirit to a place of bliss.

the beauty of who you truly are resides within the heart and by sharing that beauty you inspire humanity with a love that embraces the highest good.

we evolve as spiritual beings when we touch the heart and soul of others in gentle nurturing ways.

you awaken spiritually when you open yourself fully to life and truly love who you are.

timeless are the teachings within and if we open ourselves to their wisdom we connect to life in powerful ways that enhance every aspect of our existence.

make your choices loving, make your choices healing, make your choices inspiring and make your choices enlightening for we are beings of light who can choose to make our life something sacred and beautiful.

the essence of your true self is alive with love and when you accept and embrace this reality you begin to discover joy and see the sacred beauty of life.

dream a life that is profoundly positive and then set your intentions to manifesting that dream.

I have chosen to write a new chapter in the book of my life in which I serve a higher purpose as I awaken to the love that is my divine destiny.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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