Thursday, June 14, 2018

Share The Natural Goodness Of Your Divine Self

share the natural goodness of your divine self and you will create positive changes which will benefit humankind.

we all have healing properties and if we believe in ourselves those blessings give us the courage to live our lives in harmony with the sacred.

you are truly remarkable and by accepting and embracing this truth you begin to live your life fully as you love yourself completely.

open yourself fully to the healing powers of spirit and yours will be a voyage of light where joy blossoms and freedom flowers.

awaken all the things within that are beautiful and share them with the world.

we see things more positively when we fully embrace the authentic beauty of who we are for it is within the heart of our sacred self where lifes true gifts reside.

a true sacred path is one of love and light in which with kindness and compassion we achieve the greatest rewards.

your soul has gifts for you which illuminate your journey when you live your life in ways that focus on the spiritual.

the more aware you are of your natural sacred abilities the greater the quality of life will be.

within every soul is a loving voice whose wisdom is a blessing of guidance and generosity that transforms our life in healing ways. listen!

live honestly with meaning and purpose as this will create profound experiences that help you awaken into a new reality of loving life affirming beauty and truth.

we achieve spiritual freedom when we embrace our true sacred self with extraordinary loving energy that ignites all that is beautiful and blessed within.

you liberate your life when you nurture your dreams in simple profound ways that transform them into realities.

honor and love yourself and yours will be a life affirming journey of purity, harmony and peace in which you are blessed by miracles that empower and enlighten.

loved ones are the true miracles in our life and by showing them kindness and compassion we live our greatness as we connect with all that is sacred.

a smile can fill the heart with joy, a laugh can inspire and uplift us in uniquely meaningful ways and a hug can infuse our lives with pure healing energy. let these be the gifts you share on this beautiful day.

allow our journey to unfold naturally by opening your heart to deep sacred beauty of your authentic self as you venture forward with positive intention and soul nourishing love.

live a spiritual life and you will connect to your soul purpose as you awaken into a world of luminous energy and remarkable beauty.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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