Thursday, February 28, 2019

By Embracing Your Goodness You Begin To Live Your Greatness

by embracing your goodness you begin to live your greatness which opens you to a world of grace and glory.

I was in the attic looking though a box of affirmations and intentions when I came upon a box filled with pictures of me that had the words I love you written on it. it was something I had put together for myself many lifetimes ago as a reminder that the more I loved myself the better able I was to love others and greater was the happiness that manifested in my life.

my doorway is one of compassionate understanding and when you walk through it you enter a thoughtful world of spirit where kindness is a way of life to be cherished and celebrated.

let ours be a unifying prayer of love that opens hearts and inspires people to walk gently upon this earth with the intention of serving the highest greatest good.

I experience profound healing when I communicate openly with the darkness and let it know that it does not own or define me.

in moments of kindness I am embraced by waves of shamanic ecstasy which make me feel more alive in the world.

when life was at its darkest and I was at my most depressed I was still aware that I was put on this planet to serve a higher purpose and it was that realization that kept me alive and inspired me to thrive.

look closely at the essence of who you are and you will see the sacred in its purest most beautiful form.

in those moments when i made healing choices that benefited my true sacred self my heart and soul became alive with love.

to be the best you can be you must simply be the person you were born to be.

as you venture out today do so with the intention of being a kind and gentle servant of light for by doing so you inspire the universe to unfold in miraculous ways.

my soul whispered to me words of wisdom as I slept last night which when I awoke inspired me to accept the beauty of my existence by opening gateways to happiness.

I am aligning myself with your true sacred self and sending you throughout this day waves of loving positive energy to help you transform your reality into something beautiful.

the more faith we have in ourselves the more positive the future will be and the more beautifully glorious will be our experience of this life and every life that follows.

spirits are always with us and if we talk to them they will walk with us through a world of wonder and miracles where life is a constant source of joy and happiness.

when I am in pain my belief in kindness helps me heal. when I am immersed in darkness my belief in compassion lifts me into the light. when I am surrounded by hatred my belief in love opens my heart in miraculous ways. it matters not the source of my suffering for I know that my belief in myself will always save me.

there is a sacred space within each heart where love is pure and for me that is the place where healing happens.

the soul is a radiantly beautiful blessing illuminated by grace, glory and goodness which inspires us to live our lives meaningfully as we journey through eternity to enlightenment.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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