Thursday, February 7, 2019

Doorways To Sacred Wholeness And Spiritual Well Being

positive encouragement is a powerful transformative tool that opens doorways to sacred wholeness and spiritual well being.

darkness and depression move me to engage in esoteric practices that bring more light and love into my life. this is how I survive. I make a conscious effort not to wallow in my suffering but to use it as a tool for transformation and transcendence.

I am a beautifully guided vessel of spirit on a shamanic journey of sacred truth where with each word I release into the universe I empower and awaken others.

today I will serve humanity a breakfast of gentle lovingkindness which will nourish its soul while nurturing my spirit.

create with me new realities that embrace the divine flow of the universe and manifest a richer happier life of miracles.

we benefit ourselves by blessing others with our gifts and abilities because serving the greater good lovingly illuminates for us a path of evolving joy and happiness.

every morning when I wake I make room in my life to receive blessings which open my eyes to the miracles in my life.

in fields of joy I light the fire of freedom as I cultivate love of self and act on my good intentions.

I brought forth the beauty within the moment I am realized that I am not only better than how I have been treated but that I am better than those who have treated me badly.

recognize that you are a gift of sacred beauty. acknowledge that you are a divine being of light. accept that you are a compassionate force of transcendent reality. it is when we embrace and live the truth of who we are that we manifest miracles and connect with the infinite.

sublime is the transformation that occurs when we have a positive loving relationship with our true sacred self.

good true and transformational are those beautiful souls who live their divinity by embracing their innate loving nature and sharing it with the world.

an intention to serve the greater good awakens within the heart of who we are spiritual revelations that embrace every part of our lives with warm loving energy.

if you truly value yourself and see yourself as worthy yours will be a journey in which you sail seas of spiritual abundance to worlds of greater happiness.

sweet is the sunrise that inspires one to give birth to a new reality as they live their best life.

people seem to enjoy adding negative comments to positive remarks. understand that by doing so you restrict the flow of positive energy. you cause others undue stress. look in the mirror and ask yourself why you need to place burdens on others. if I held the door open for you would you tell me to piss off. if I said have a nice day would you yell at me and call me a monster. if I said I love you would you respond I hate you. if the answer to those questions is no then next time respond compassionately. if the answer is yes then seek professional help.

mine is an ethereal essence that moves me to live more beautifully as I learn to enjoy the blessings of my life and delight in my destiny.

I awoke this morning to the sound of my soul laughing which inspired me to embrace my day in unique authentic ways that put a smile on the face of my spirit.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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