Thursday, February 6, 2020

I Am Sending You Love Light And Positive Healing Energy

if you feel that you have dug yourself a hole too deep to get out of, know that I have too and I managed to climb out. if you are immersed in darkness and feel imprisoned, know that I have broken free from my chains and made my way to the light. you are not alone. for every soul that has lost the battle there are countless souls who have won the war. you are stronger than you think. you are braver than you realize. you can do this. I believe in you. I am sending you love light and positive healing energy.

this moment is an opportunity to prosper. believe fully in yourself and a spiritual alchemy will occur that will show your true essence and guide you on a path of service in which have a profound and positive impact on the world around you.

may yours be a spiritually focused sojourn of courageous compassion that embodies the divine as you engage in practices which inspire infinite love.

conscious cultivation of our unique sacred gifts enlivens our purpose and connects us to our radiance which deeply transforms our mystical mission in life.

I was being good to myself one day when I noticed that I had a spring in my step and a smile on my face. I realized at that precise moment that when I stopped hating, hurting and abusing myself I began to love myself more. this awareness awakened me to the miracle of life. be good to yourself. be kind to yourself. love yourself.

take a kind loving approach to each day and yours will be a heart centered journey of positive impact that brings joy and happiness to the world.

self nurturing inspires me to create something special that embraces and expresses my true sacred self with joy, happiness and the essence of love.

the day I stopped wanting to die was the day that I started to live and the day that I started to live was the day that the heavens opened and my heart overflowed.

today I will walk a purpose driven path of spirit where I live and breathe joy as I experience greater love.

make better choices that celebrate the beauty of who you are and your spirit will shine through with a divine energy that impacts your life in deeply profound ways.

as a child I was felt isolated, alone, neglected and abandoned. I carried those wounds into my adult life and suffered for years and years. then one day I forget to lock the doors to my heart, soul and spirit which allowed love to flow into my life. today I am nurtured, nourished and loved. open the door and let light in. open the door and let life in. open the door and let love in.

I was drinking from the cup of consciousness with my higher self when a profound transformation occurred that liberated my authentic self which inspired us all to set out on a journey of light to find my true sacred self.

a simple smile is uplifting. a warm embrace is empowering. a kind word is is life changing. an act of kindness is enriching. a true expression of love is enlightening. we have the innate ability to make our world a better place.

we are spiritual explorers on a spiritual adventure of great spiritual importance whose mission is simply to always seek to be in good spirits.

every life is extraordinary. every life has meaning. every life is special. every life is beautiful. every life has merit. every life is important. every life is sacred.

ultimate liberation comes when we engage in life changing practices that elevate our consciousness with energetic wellness, metaphysical thoughts and transcendent joy.

with loving awareness make yours a heart centered life anchored in spirit where lasting happiness flows through every part of your being.

you have within you the capacity to change. you have within you transformational powers. these are essential truths which if believed and honoured will bring light to your world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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