Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Beauty of Who You Are

The Beauty of your Spirit embodies a Divine Essence that is filled with Loving Guidance and Inspiration. Share the Beauty of who you are with the Universe.

Greet each day with brilliance, sip life's sweet moments, plant seeds of kindness and you will find that you experience more joy in life.

If we walk in balance and travel in peace the divine energy of our soul will inspire others to journey into realms of sacred exploration. To truly honour life we must sink our roots into what is holy and embrace the infinite life force while radiating love and light.

When we Experience our Divine Nature we Awaken and Heal Humanity. We Ignite our Creative Spirit and Create the Life we Want. We Tap into Spirituality and Embrace the Bliss of Love. We Transform.

You are a Beautiful Being of Light, Be Gentle with Yourself and Find the Treasures Within. Celebrate the Magnificent and Live Spiritually with Every Breath. Dance in the Heavens.

Live your Heartfelt Purpose and Aspire to Evolve Spiritually as you Embrace the Full Bloom of Lifes Magnificence.

Celebrate the Beauty Within, Elevate your Soul and Spirit to Great Things, Embrace the Full Bloom of Lifes Magnificence, Listen to the Singing of your Heart and Dance!

Life is an ever Deepening Pool of Wisdom and we are students waiting to learn how to be at Peace with all the World.

You have an Innate Connection to the Universe. Let Love and Joy flow into your Life and your Soul will be warmed by
Sacred Light.

Be an Emissary of Divine Light and Nurture Spiritual Growth as you find Profound Inspiration and Bring your Dreams into Reality.

Walk in Harmony and Communicate with Angelic Realms while Uncovering your Magnificence and Liberating your Natural Talents. Know that Your Inner Temple is the Source of all Life and the story of your Souls Evolution begins and ends with Love.

We are all Souls of Light and Beauty. Illuminate a Path to the Spiritual and Make a Difference in the World. Cultivate the Core of your Being and Invoke the Positive Energies of the Earth. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE....

Be an Adventurous Being of Light and make a Spirited Contribution to the Betterment of Humankind as you Show Lovingkindness to all Beings and Create Transformational Experiences that Awaken Joy Within.

Reach inside your Essence and you will find the Source of Great Happiness. Live Joyfully with Heart and wear your soul like a Silken Robe. Move Beyond the Ordinary to a Place of Altruistic Inspiration. Always have the Highest Intentions and Know that Love makes things Real.

Be a Visionary Leader and make yours a Journey of Spiritual Growth where Angels cloak your Soul in Love and Guidance. Connect to your Natural Self and Unleash the Beauty of your Inner Nature as you Live your Passion and Embrace the True Nature of

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, July 19, 2013

You Are A Unique Contribution To The World

You are a unique contribution to the world, a bright light in the universe who embodies the joy of creation. May you Live in an awakened state, Share sacred wisdom, Facilitate Positive Change, Fly on the wings of Wellbeing and Frolic in Paradise!

When you discover your own reality is that of positive loving energy you will celebrate the sacred within and experience peace and joy. You will Live the best of every day as you manifest miracles and express your spirit. You will Live to your highest capacity, weave your wisdom and rejuvenate your soul as you Celebrate the fullness and beauty of your Existence by living a life less ordinary.

Communicate a sense of optimism and the light of your heart will be guided by love divine. Resonate your deepest self and know the freedom to be who you really are.

Let us open our hearts to all humanity thereby enhancing our souls journey and liberating our spirit. Let us Tap into the spiritual energies of the universe and create a higher quality of life. Let us Step joyfully into the future and embrace our magnificence. Let us Love.

We are holders of the light, keepers of the flame. Let us use our collective wisdom to guide humankind to a place of beauty, bliss and joy. Let us Live in communion and union as we Inspire the child within to explore new horizons and embrace the divine oneness of all.

Open the window of exploration and discovery and let your full divine expression leave a lasting impression of love. Create your own personal serenity and live a centered life of visionary insight and inner freedom where you Flow with Grace and Connect with who you are.

Let ours be a Message of Harmony and Divine Collaboration. Let us Raise a Collective Voice of Salvation, Liberation and Love! Let us Enhance the divinity within by connecting to our inner child and creating bridges of light that reach across eternity to the soul of humanity.

The true winds of lifes journey are warm, sincere and inviting. Listen for the unspoken wisdom of Sacred Mother Earth and let Love guide you.

Life is a field of possibilities and the manifestation of your dreams is within your reach if you live with integrity, awareness and love. Rejoice in your awakening and Deepen your Spiritual Connection as you Design your perfect life, express your passion, live your desires and share your love and light with the world.

When yours is a life of deeper meaning and purpose you are given an infinity of choices that resonate in your soul. Take your life to the next level and let the flow of the universe transform your intentions and inspire your dreams.

To reach an innermost state of peace we must cultivate well being, journey with freedom and facilitate deep transformation. Love the Glorious You and make the Vision of your Life one of great Joy and Happiness.

Rewrite your reality so that yours is a universe made of consciousness and light where the breath of God inspires the grandeur within. Stroll through the Sacred Garden and Plant Seeds of Love as you Expand your Understanding, Live your Souls Light, Breathe in Awareness, Cultivate Inner Peace, Reconnect with Joy and Reclaim your Wholeness.

I Walk the Earth in Friendship and Love! I Access my inner strength by nurturing a personal relationship with my spirit guides. I have a connection with the earth and by honouring that bond I unleash the sacred powers of nature and empower all living things. I am ready to Harvest my Dreams and Feast on the Fruits of my Inner Being for I am The Ancient One.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, July 12, 2013

Shared Healing

You Are Unique And Sacred

You are unique and sacred. Love is your essence and your spirit is an expression of pure consciousness. Explore your Gifts, Live your Dreams and Shape your own Vision as you make your life a Divine Altar of Love and Happiness. Nurture beauty and grace as you awaken the teacher within and discover your lifes purpose by manifesting universal spiritual good. You are Unique and Sacred.

Life is a seamless tapestry of divine blessings. It is our task to acknowledge this reality and listen to what the universe is telling us.
Travel across eternity breath by breath transforming the world with your souls dance. Save our ailing planet by embracing life as a living ceremony of love and making every encounter one that touches the soul.

Activate your spiritual gifts with positive belief and purpose. Feel harmony within and bask in the glow of pure loves light. Infinite possibilities abound when you celebrate the spirit and live with joy. Great Planetary Change is upon us, Humanity is in Transition and Transformation, Live your Sacredness and be a Warrior of Love in the World.

You are a great blessing whose timeless essence and sacred wisdom uplifts humanity. Let love and joy flow into your life as you create your empowerment and make each day extraordinary. Connect with higher wisdom and be an emissary of divine light. Bring forth the beauty within and celebrate your divine passion. May your wishes come to fruition as you achieve positive change and may your souls garden grow abundant as you reach for the heavens.

In peace profound and perfect tranquility do i love you. With a Refreshed Spirit I plant Seeds of Good Fortune and walk in Joy to a place of Heavenly Mansions and Divine Happiness! Your life can be an ocean of serenity if you venture deep into your spiritual core and seek your innate connection to the universe.

Refresh your soul and embrace the miracle of who you are. Honor the living earth and live a life of harmony and balance. Embrace Change and Celebrate Diversity as you walk into a new Reality and
Light a candle of love as you breathe joy and happiness into the world.

Live your full divine power and learn the true beauty of the inner self while bringing out the light in others. Journey into truth and open the magical doorway deep within your heartspace. The pursuit of spirituality is an inward exploration of guidance, blessings, awareness, honesty, love and Sacred Soul Wisdom.

Plant new seeds of hope and inspiration as you cultivate a life of soul and spirit. Build a bridge to the sacred within as you Manifest your dreams and find the transcendent in everyday life. Shine your inner light and and know that compassion, love and joy are the prescription that keeps the soul healthy.

Say a prayer of gratitude for every child, flower, rainbow, puppy, tree, song, angel, spirit and soul that have touched your life. Awaken your healing light by embracing the blessings of the earth and serving all sentient beings. Activate your divine blueprint and let the labyrinths of your imagination transform your world into one of peace and eternal bliss. Enrich all life as you walk a path of personal growth into the heart of human potential. Roam the wild country in a heavenly atmosphere of love and yours will be a kingdom of infinite possibilities where joy is abundant.

The Door to a New Humanity is now Open, all you need do is walk in and yours will be a playground for transformation and transcendence. Journey to personal growth and planetary healing for you are a being of light destined to share your love with humankind. Spread divine light as you discover your spiritual essence and cultivate self awareness as you live with greater meaning.

Follow your heart and know that faith moves mountains so we dont miss all the beauty in the valley of our soul. The sunlight of reason is upon us, now is the time to raise ones life force and listen to the whispers of heaven. Be a missionary of light and yours will be a spirit that glimmers radiantly, guiding you to vast amounts of joy and happiness.

Let us be one planet united in peace, one planet united in hope, one planet united in joy, one planet united in love! Share the beauty of who you are and you will be united with all illuminated souls in a dance of earth healing majesty. I will meet you where the sky meets the sea and we will share a blanket of peace.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, July 5, 2013

A Loving Life Is A Life That Is Loved

A Loving Life is a Life that is Loved. Love Who You Are. Love what You are Doing. Love where You are. Love who You are with. Love where You are going. A Loving Life is a Life that is Loved.

Profound is the effect that Moments of Joy have in our Life. Live a Joyful Life and you bring Positive Change to the Lives of Others. Happiness is a Choice and once you make that Choice be sure to Share it with as many people as Possible.

a smile makes my heart sing. those people who see the beauty in life and share it through their actions are angelic beings. a simple kindness can sometimes change a life. thank you for all those strangers who took the time to transform my life. as i walk the path of life be sure to say hello. i will be the one with the song in my heart and the smile on my face.

The Experience of Self Worth and Self Love awakens our Deepest Wisdom and Manifests a Gentle Loving Change which will Guide us to the Heaven of our Destiny.

i am a lighthearted being of metaphysical consciousness with a great love and appreciation for the beauty of the human spirit and grandeur of the human soul.

Unique and Beautiful are they who Live with Dignity and Respect for they are the Loving Angels who see Beyond their own Reality into a Place of Spiritual Joy.

Breathe your Bliss and Cultivate Inner Wisdom and yours will be a Life of Spiritual Growth where you make your way through Celestial and Earthly Portals as you Connect to the Sacred.

Love can Flourish if we Live our Life fully with Joy. By Fostering and Manifesting Greater Happiness we Create a Path and Purpose that are Positive and Nurturing.

Believe in Yourself. Know yourself on a Deeper Level. It is when we Truly Know and Believe in ourself that we make the most Significant Discoveries.

We are all One. To Love yourself is to Love all Humanity. To Love all Humanity is to Love yourself. We are all One.

a glowing radiance from the life force energy is the light which guides those who live from love for theirs is a life of enlightenment and transformation where visions manifest and miracles are but dreams coming true.

Life is a Great Opportunity for those who Truly Appreciate its Gifts and Blessings so Dance in the Pure Positive Energy of your own Truth and Rejoice in the Majesty of your Destiny.

Love Your Body. It Is Beautiful. Love Your Mind. It Is Beautiful. Love Your Spirit. It Is Beautiful. Love Your Heart. It Is Beautiful. Love Your Soul. It Is Beautiful. Love Yourself. You Are Beautiful.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )