Thursday, August 27, 2015

Those Moments That Benefit Us The Most

those moments that benefit us the most are the ones in which we we light the world with the beauty of our true self. it is those moments when we stop thinking and start living our divine essence. let us vow today to live each moment in a way that benefits ourself and others.

i made a new friend today. he is wonderful. we met unexpectedly and i was immediately impressed by his kindness. he is a caring sensitive man of honour. i think i am falling in love with him. his name is micheal. he is me and we are beautiful.

a miracle is something we all have the ability to create for we are angels of light and our every breath is divine.

bless me with your smile. light my life with the radiance of your soul. inspire me with the glory of your spirit. transform me with the love within your heart. you are powerful and beautiful.

it is when we inspire ourself that we begin to live our passions and love our life. it is when we believe, respect and love ourself that we truly discover who we are. we are miracles and to know this is to ascend.

positive energy and divine love are gifts that reside deep within and when nurtured they are set free to awaken souls and embrace hearts that all may know the miracle and magnificence of who we are.

believe in the light of love that radiates from within and when you speak the heavens will hear you and answer in kindness for enlightenment, inspiration and transformation all begin with the words i believe.

today i will take control of my life. i will change my reality from one of stress to one of peace. i will alter my existence from one that waits to one that creates. today i will take control of my destiny.

yours is an inspiring story. yours is tale meant to be shared. yours is a poem that lights the way for others. know and believe that you are special and that the book of your life when read by others can and will inspire and transform.

a true expression of love is a transformative force that can change lives in rich and rewarding ways. love is a pure and sacred gift that when shared with kindess and compassion makes ours a world of spirit and divine beauty.

breathe in transformation and allow the reality of its deep levels of truth to inspire you to do that which gives you joy.

when ours is a spiritual purpose we see higher levels of joy. when ours is a sacred purpose we create lasting happiness. where ours is a joyful purpose we take positive steps forward. when ours is a loving purpose we empower our life with infinite possibilities. when ours is a divine purpose we are liberated and transformed. live a life of purpose.

the more aware you are of lifes beauty the more aware you will be of how phenomenally beautiful you are. it is when we see the truth, beauty, love and light around us that we see it in ourself. look at life closely and see the miracle of your existence.

with joyful purpose, gentleness and compassion walk through this world touching every soul you meet with the light and love that radiate from the core of your being for you are a blessing to be shared.

a heart at peace is a heart with deeper purpose. it is a heart that purifies and rejuvenates. it is a heart created from love that guides you down your true life path. i wish you peace.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Friday, August 21, 2015

Talk To Your Angels

talk to your angels. have inspirational conversations that educate and empower. talk to your spirit guides. have blissful discussions that enrich and enlighten. talk to yourself. have a compassionate dialogue that opens you to the beauty of who you are.

your inner voice has a magickal essence that speaks words of wisdom which if followed will guide you to a higher frequency where heart opening experiences will change your life for the better.

you have the ability to help others. you have the ability to help yourself. you have gifts of spirit yet to be discovered. venture deep within and set free the beauty of your true and sacred self. you are a glorious blessing. you have the ability to change lives and transform your world.

let love be our purpose. let us walk a path that nurtures and heals. let us bring our lives into balance that we may serve the universe as we awaken our true spirit. let love be our purpose.

swim with me in oceans of love and let us create a kinder world where the healing waters of hope wash over all.

powerfully positive are the vibrations of love within us all and when we release their beauty and truth into the universe we connect with ourself and others in life affirming ways as we experience our greatness and transform our world.

make a positive investment in your true self and the spirit of love will reward you with greater awareness that you may see that you are a luminous divine presence and know the beauty of what it means to be alive.

if you listen to the breath of your heart you will hear messages from heaven meant to lead you on a journey to wholeness, happiness and deep joy.

the more we grow the more we connect with others. the more we evolve the more able we are to make the world a better place. the more we love the more we inspire and empower ourself and others with beauty and goodness. we deserve more. let us manifest more.

profound and transformative experiences allow us to know and experience life in ways that breathe spirit into our heart and make ours a mystical journey of divine realization.

our life force energy is centered in love and by living our authentic purpose and sharing our essence we connect others to the guidance within that they may be embraced by the life affirming insights that dwell in the core of their being. our love force energy is centered in life and by loving our sacred purpose and sharing our divine beauty we connect others to the heaven within that they may be embraced by the love affirming insights that dwell within the depths of their soul.

blessed disciples of spirit let us embrace a state of divine liberation and use our gifts to uplift and empower all who are willing to see their true beauty and live their highest self.

always look deeper for it is deep within the core of your being that you will find the pure healing power that will satisfy the souls desires and spark the divine that you may make a greater impact as you become a most beautiful being of light.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Live In A Way That Is Spiritually Relevant

to know what it means to be alive is to live in a way that is spiritually relevant in which you cultivate happiness and manifest your desires. immerse yourself in pure consciousness and the vibrations within will heal your mind, body and soul that you may connect with your true nature and live your every day with infinite love.

from the heart of humanity there comes a source of strength that that when embraced will lead you through transformative times and change your life forever.

when you explore your cosmic roots you experience the sacred in a way that moves you to live a more joyful life in which you make positive spiritual choices that transform each moment and inspire each breath.

we are all spiritual teachers and by sharing our light we nurture the world as we nourish ourself.

positive thoughts and a sense of reverence for the miracle of life creates a flow of sacred energy which elevates the spirit as it reveals the healer within allowing you to discover your true gifts and live your heavenly destiny.

lovingly care for yourself for you are a blessing to be cherished and by showing yourself kindness and compassion you evolve empathically and your life becomes a garden of luminous transformation where you blossom into beauty.

there are many ways to be of service and each moment of your life is an opportunity to dedicate yourself to the well being of others. doing so will guide you to dimensions of spirit where the power of love embraces you mind, body, heart and soul.

express your beauty as you awaken to the wisdom within for you are a treasure of the spirit whose path is one of soul opening exploration of the self. discover who you are and life becomes a prayer of gratitude where angels sing and heavens celebrate your magnificence.

self compassion sets people free for it changes their energy and lets them embrace life more fully as they live a truly meaningful existence where they see every moment as an occasion for hope and an opportunity to reach out to others.

celebrate your unique self and immerse yourself in the joy of being you for your spiritual destiny is a life of love and by living your beauty and loving yourself you open the gates to a heaven all your own.

i know you are sad. so am i. today i will laugh. i know you are hurt. so am i. today i will heal. i know you are lonely so am i. today i will love. i know you for we are one. today i will choose to be happy. today i will choose to transform. today i will choose to create miracles. i know you are afraid. so am i. today i will be brave...

let yours be a journey of self exploration for it is when we delve deeply into our true and sacred essence that we discover that within us is where miracles happen.

a grateful heart immersed in spiritual experiences is a precious gift that unfolds the divine and inspires us to embrace the beauty of life as we journey to happiness and fulfillment.

walk with me through fields of awareness toward a compassionate life of positive affirmation that inspires change where we may lovingly design a world of beauty and bliss in which every moment is something to be happy about.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Most Rewarding Gifts Are Those That Are Loving

the most rewarding gifts are those that are loving for they open the door to spirit and set our soul free that we may honor all paths and embrace the harmony within as we live our essence.

create your tomorrow. make it a gift to be treasured. build it with love as your foundation. create a warm and joyful community of beautiful beings. make yours a nurturing environment that helps others along their path. let your purpose, passion and intent be to make every moment a miracle and a blessing. create your tomorrow.

do that which resonates deep within your soul and you will discover revelations in every moment as you travel toward the heavens and evolve into your highest self.

if we devote ourself to continual self improvement and keep shining our light we bring forth loving messages from within that transform our life and the world around us.

build a strong spiritual foundation and yours will be a kind and compassionate environment of light and love where you connect with others in profound ways as your soul blossoms.

within each of us is a sacred sanctuary and place of divine light where our compassionate heart and loving spirit are waiting to guide us to conscious intention that we may live our greatest life and achieve our highest good.

when you express your divine nature and live your authentic self you create new possibilities and discover your bliss. to truly express the beauty of who we are is to enlighten ourself in a way that embraces the vibration of spirit and celebrates our sacred source.

you are blessed by love and the more sensitive you are to the feelings of others the more love you radiate and the more miraculous your life will be.

grow into your light and blossom into your love for life is a garden and you are a beautiful flower.

hold with kindness the beauty of who you are and you will profoundly influence others for it is when we truly love and believe in ourself that we experience an extraordinary awakening which transports us to other dimensions where magickal healing and divine miracles inspire the angel within to serve humanity with love as our guide.

i love the essence of who you are. i love the core of your being. i love the strength of your spirit and depth of your soul. i love the kindness and compassion within your heart. you are a blessing and i love you.

a miraculous transformation takes place and the impossible happens when we live our higher self and love our sacred self for it is then that the fabric of our existence wraps us in light and we fully experience the beauty of the divine.

i am sharing with you my prayers and blessings that you may experience the radiance of your true self and discover that you are extraordinary.

feel the sacred beauty around you. know that the divine is within your reach. be aware of angels for through awareness you accelerate your spiritual growth and your path becomes one that compassionately serves others while inspiring self healing and empowerment.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

Mare Cromwell